marți, 29 septembrie 2015 vazut-o pe ea!

And then...I saw her!

Turning back în time, 6.5 years ago, I can sincerely declare that I have been saved from depression by a beautiful dead woman - Audrey Hepburn.

Let me explain myself: I was a newly Mom (my son was 6 months at that time), I felt like a fluffy doughnut, because, even if I didn't eat much, I still couldn't lose the kilos I have taken during my pregnancy, sleepless - I think my baby had a sensor who announced him if I dared to sleep, I didn't have time to wash, to put some makeup on my face, I didn't fit in my beautiful clothes, my hair - was living in complete anonymity, my job was suspended, so as my cerebral activity who was active only to hear the screams of the baby and my physiologic needs.

Without exaggeration, I was feeling annulled as a woman, and taking into consideration that event the grownups - aka my friends - did not call me anymore (probably they were exhausted to hear me talking about my baby, although I implored them to tell me job cases, to put in function my brain), I suddenly woke up that all I am doing all day long is to sing lullabies and recite little poems for my baby.

Maybe, this picture will demoralize some of the wish-to-be-a-mom girls, but I have an excuse: I wasn't ready for a baby. A brief suggestion: don't make children unless you really desire them, otherwise, you will get really frustrated (like I did).

In the same time, I was surrounded by my beautiful, gorgeous, shiny sisters, who were invited to restaurants, clubs, journeys, they were having jobs, friends meeting, and I...had my baby (also known as the paradise birdie, my little princess prince), who I loved immensely, but somehow, I couldn't ignore that deep down my heart I wish I could slip to the door and freely go with my sisters.

My biggest affordable pleasure was to go their home and watch them getting dressed and makeup for parties (I have to admit that after they left the house, I used to attack their makeup utensils as well and to fall asleep with my makeup on), and after they left, to watch TV movies (we didn't have TV cable so the baby won't stare at the TV).

So, in one of those sweet-bitter nights, I discovered Audrey within all her splendor, while she was yearning in front of the Tiffany's jewelry store, in the well-known movie  - Breakfast at Tiffany's. Oh boy, although I am an expert of the window shopping (since forever, I may add), in that very moment, I truly understood the deep meaning of the word "yearning"  (I guess, we were in same state of mind). Not only that I felt Holly's grinding wishes, but also I ascertained a superb, elegant, immortal Audrey, with her timeless style, and SKINNYYYYY (way too thin, actually), that being the image that totally reset my brain. From that moment, I had a dream, a target, it was over with the adrift in my life, I was going to be like her (even if it sounds really sick:)).

I watched all of her movies, I read her biography and, in all this context ruled by her existence, I (and my husband) received a wedding invitation in a fabulous place - the Bragadiru Palace. Let me assure you that not even for my wedding I did not make all that fuss and put the world on fire like I did for this wedding:)).

The pictures are the proof of my transformation.

The next day after the wedding, the grooms wanted to meet us, and the very first thing the ex-bride said was: "Audrey Hepburn! You looked just like her the other night and, and trust, all night I tried to find out with who you look like". Well, in this context, all I could say - to myself, of course, - was "Mission accomplished!".

But, apart from that night, it was Audrey who taught me to appreciate the value of old, authentic, the melange between extravagant (let's be honest, being the muse of YSL, she needed a certain amount of extravagance) and classic. This is how I uncover the beauty of vintage...through her, like a legacy of elegance and common sense, a proof of self-respect and the significance of time trails.

P.S. - in the second picture you can see that I am rosy-red. I was like that just because I danced like a crazy - just like Audrey did in Funny Face:)));

P.S. 1 - I saw a wonderful movie who treats the same subject - "W.E." ( a married misunderstood woman who starts to be intrigued by the famous relationship of the English king who abdicated just to be with the woman of his life). I truly recommend this movie!

P.S.2 - Nadi, although she declared herself maddened by my "obsession" when she was in Italy, she brought me the most beautiful picture with Audrey - the one with the Tiffany's shop window, although she never knew the inside story:)).

I still love Audrey!

Intorcand-ma in timp, acum 6,5 ani, pot spune cu mana pe inima ca eu am fost salvata de la depresie de o moarta superba - Audrey Hepburn. 

Sa explic: eram mama de 6 luni, ma simteam ca o gogoasa infuriata, caci, desi nu reuseam sa mananc mai nimic, tot nu scapam de kilogramele pe care le acumulasem in timpul sarcinii, eram nedormita - caci al meu copil avea un senzor care-l anunta cand adormeam eu, chestie ce era de neconceput pentru el, nu aveam timp sa ma machiez, nu incapeam in hainele frumoase, parul meu - traia in anonimitate completa, jobul fusese suspendat, si, la fel si activitatea mea cerebrala care nu raspundea decat la tipetele lui bebe si la nevoile mele fiziologice. 

Fara exagerare, ma simteam anulata ca femeie, si avand in vedere ca nici oamenii maturi - aka prietenii mei - nu ma mai sunau (probabil exasperati ca vorbesc numai despre bebe, desi eu ii rugam sa imi spuna spete, cazuri de la job), m-am pomenit ca toata ziua recitam poezii si cantam cantecele Trilulilu.

Poate suna demoralizant tabloul pentru viitoarele mamici, dar eu am o scuza: nu eram pregatita. Imi permit o sugestie -nu faceti copii pana cand nu ii doriti cu adevarat, altfel veti fi foarte frustrate.

Mai mult, in jurul meu le aveam pe surorile mele care erau stralucitoare, se duceau in cluburi, in restaurante, excursii prin tara, se duceau la munca, aveau prieteni...iar eu, aveam un bebe (aka pasarica paradisului si printesul meu, asa ii spuneam baiatului meu:))), in ochii caruia ma topeam, dar nu puteam sa ignor ca in mintea mea exista dorinta ca undeva, cumva, candva, mi-as dori sa plec si eu pe poarta cu ele.

Marea mea placere era sa stau la ele acasa, macar sa le vad cand plecau aranjate (recunosc, ma machiam si eu cand plecau ele si adormeam boita la ochi:))), iar dupa ce plecau, sa ma uit la TV, la filme (noi nu mai avem cablu de aprox. 7 ani, tocmai ca sa il ferim pe bebe de influenta nefasta a TV-ului).

Ei bine, si intr-una din serile astea dulci-amarui, am descoperit-o pe Audrey in toata splendoarea, intr-o scena din Breakfast at Tiffani's, cand se uita cu jind la vitrina magazinului. Mai sa fie, de cand ma stiu am facut window shopping - sunt experta la asta - dar atunci, mai mult ca oricand am inteles ce inseamna a jindui (eram in aceeasi stare de spirit amandoua:)). Apoi, ca am inteles-o pe Holly ce dorinte o macinau, e una, dar ca am vazut-o pe Audrey atat de frumoasa, eleganta, nemuritoare, cu stilu-i atemporal, si SLABAAAAAAAA (moarta de slaba, fie vorba intre noi), asta mi-a resetat creierasul. Aveam o tinta, se terminase cu plutirea mea in deriva - urma sa fiu ca EA (oricat de bolnav suna:))). 

M-am apucat sa-i vad toate filmele, sa-i citesc biografia si, in tot acest context guvernat de Audrey, am fost invitati la o nunta intr-o locatie superba - Palatul Bragadiru. Bai baiete, nici pentru nunta mea nu m-am framantat atat si nu am pus in miscare fiecare membru al familiei:))).

Rezultatul se afla in urmatoarele poze:

A doua zi dupa nunta, mirii au vrut sa ne intalnim, iar primile cuvinte ale miresei au fost: "Audrey Hepburn! Crede-ma ca ieri seara ma tot chinuiam sa imi dau seama cu cine semeni, si abia acum am identificat. Aseara ai semanat foarte mult cu ea." Eu ce sa mai zic? Mi-am zis in gand - mission accomplished! 

Dar dincolo de seara aceea superba, de la Audrey am invatat sa apreciez ce este vechi, autentic, melanjul intre extravagant (fiind muza lui YSL era implicit necesara doza de extravaganta), opulent, si clasic. Asa am descoperit vintage-ul...prin ea, ca o mostenire a elegantei si bunului-simt, a respectului fata de sine si fata de timp.

P.S. - in a doua poza se vede ca sunt rosie la fata pentru ca am dansat ca o nebuna - asa cum a facut si Audrey in Funny face:)))

P.S. 1 - Am vazut un film superb care trateaza destul de bine subiectul  - "W.E." ( o tipa cu o viata destul de insipida incepe sa fie extrem de curioasa in legatura cu trecutul tumultos al regelui englez ce a abdicat multumita iubirii ce i-o purta unei americance). RECOMAND!

P.S.2 - Nadi, desi s-a declarat exasperata de "obsesia" mea, cand a fost in Italia, mi-a cumparat cel mai frumos tablou cu Audrey - Fix ala cu vitrina:)).

joi, 24 septembrie 2015

Not so long ago...

I was thinking about the slow motion of time, that I will never end up to be a grown-up...Frankly, my looks did not help me either to drive away the slow time illusion, because, as a cousin was saying - when I was 5 years old, I looked like I had AIDS. When I was 19 years old - people thought that I had 14 years  (some of them asked to see my ID paper in order to be convinced about my real age). I was really frustrated that all my friends, colleagues looked like ripe girls, while I was looking like a treated seed waiting to be planted.

I still remember the respect I had for my working cousins, while I was in middle school, and I envied them because they did not have any homework, nor did they had to feel the "labour pains" I felt regarding the  school tests.

I was desperate to become a grown-up, to be treated as an adult, until one day, when I realized that I am a mother and that, I want to be a child. I was dealing with a dilemma because I felt that until that point, I lived my life backward, and that the scenario of the "The curious case of Benjamin Button" movie, had me as a subject for psychiatric treatment, and that, somehow he got inspired from my life.

Lost in translation, ideologically speaking :) (like I had any idea of the meaning), I ended reading a quote that shocked me as a lightning:

"I am almost a hundred years old; waiting for the end and thinking about the beginning.

There are things I need to tell you, but would you listen if I told you how quickly time passes?

I know you are unable to imagine this.

Nevertheless, I can tell you that you will awake some day to find that your life has rushed by at a speed at once impossible and cruel. The most intense moments will seem to have occurred only yesterday and nothing will have erased the pain and pleasure, the impossible intensity of love and its dog-leaping happiness, the bleak blackness of passions unrequited, or unexpressed, or unresolved.

You get old and you realize there are no answers, just stories..."
(Meg Rosoff/Garrison Keillor`s quotes)

Two days ago, suddenly reflecting over that quote, I saw on Facebook a delicious post of Andreea Lupescu with a total stranger. Here it goes:

"Marry a man with a big heart, 'cos I can see that you are not married, listen to me. I was known in my office as "the most loved wife". We married when I was 17 years old and he took care of me all of my life. The person who loves you is not going to try to change you, life belongs to you. Everything is about luck, my father arranged our marriage.

I was walking in Cismigiu park when I saw her, she smiled me, I smiled her back and I said: You are truly beautiful! She stopped and she said:

- Do you see the red in my cheeks? It's all natural. Can you believe that I'm 90 years old?

- What is the secret?

- Gymnastics is. Every day I do gymnastics. 48 kilos - for years. All of my colleagues were wondering me about my secret. I was working in a publishing house. I wrote all of Enescu's notes, all choir's notes. I was working on tracing paper, but also, on shiny little blackboards who tired my eyes. All the notes from Conservatory are drawn by me. 

I had a colleague, a piano professor, the most beautiful girl from our office. Her husband, who was a doctor, beat her once because she did not make him soup. This is why I tell you, sweetie, to marry a man with a good soul.

- Do you want to take a picture with me?
- Sure!
- I am Andreea.
-Frida. Jewish. But, when I'll see me on the street, call me Duti, OK?

Suddenly, today I felt that I should take a walk in the Cismigiu park while I was heading to the office, being already late."

Nu demult...

Ma gandeam ce greu trece timpul, ca eu nu o sa devin mare niciodata... Ce-i drept, e ca nici fizicul nu m-a ajutat sa alung aceasta iluzie a timpului adormit, caci, conform amintirilor unei verisoare - cand aveam 5 ani aratam de parca eram bolnava de SIDA. iar cand aveam 19 ani - oamenii credeau ca am 14 ani (cativa mi-au cerut si buletinul pentru a se convinge). Eram foarte frustrata de prietenele mele care aratau ca niste fete coapte, iar eu eram in stadiu de samanta tratata pentru plantat.

Mi-aduc si acum aminte cu cat respect ma uitam la verisorii mei care lucrau, iar eu eram abia in gimnaziu, si ii pizmuiam in sinea mea ca ei nu au teme de facut, si nici nu-i trec "durerile facerii" atunci cand urmeaza a fi ascultati, asa cum sufeream eu. 

Tare mult mi-am dorit sa fiu mare, sa fiu tratata ca un adult, pana cand, intr-o zi, m-am pomenit ca sunt mama si ca imi doresc sa fiu copil. Eram intr-o dilema intrucat simteam ca mi-am trait toata viata invers, si ca, ala care a scris scenariul filmului "The curios case of Benjamin Button", m-a avut pe mine ca studiu de caz patologic si s-a inspirat din viata mea.

Pierduta asa prin viata mea, ideologic vorbind:))) (de parca-as stii ce inseamna asta), iata ca intalnesc acest citat care m-a scuturat ca un fulger (incerc o traducere):

"Am aproape o suta de ani; asteptand sfarsitul, si gandindu-ma la inceput.
Sunt lucruri pe care trebuie sa ti le spun, dar oare, ma vei asculta daca ti-as spune cat de repede trece timpul?
Stiu, iti este imposibil sa iti imaginezi asta.
Oricum, iti pot spune ca te vei trezi intr-o zi doar ca sa descoperi ca viata a trecut pe langa tine cu o viteza imposibila si cruda. Cele mai intense momente ti se vor parea ca s-au intamplat ieri si nimic nu va sterge durerea si placerea, intensitatea imposibila a dragostei si a ei fericire entuziasta, intunecimea dezolanta a pasiunilor neimpartasite, neexprimate, sau nerezolvate.
Vei imbatrani si vei realiza ca nu exista raspunsuri, ci doar povesti..."

(Meg Rosoff/Garrison Keillor`s quotes)

Acum doua zile, gandindu-ma din senin la aceasta reflectie asupra vietii si timpului (cu atat mai mult cu cat ma gandeam la scopul blogului),  pe Facebook apare o postare delicioasa a Andreei Lupescu, pe care o redau mai jos:

"Să îți iei un om de suflet, văd că ești necăsătorită, ascultă la mine! Eu eram cunoscută în birou ca "cea mai iubită soție". Ne-am căsătorit când aveam 17 ani și a avut grijă de mine toată viața. Cine te iubește, nu încearcă să te schimbe, viața îți aparține. Totul ține de noroc, mie tata mi-a aranjat căsătoria."
Mergeam prin Cișmigiu, când am văzut-o, mi-a zâmbit, i-am zâmbit și i-am spus "Sunteți foarte frumoasă!" S-a oprit și mi-a zis:
- Draga mamii, vezi rozul asta din obrajii mei? E natural. îți vine să crezi că am 90 de ani? împliniți pe 1 mai? 

- și care-i secretul? 

- Gimnastică. Gimnastică în fiecare zi. 48 de kilograme. De ani de zile. Toate colegele de la muncă mă-ntrebau cum reușesc să arăt așa bine. Eu lucram la o editură. Am scris toate partiturile Enescu, toate partiturile de cor. Lucram pe foaie de calc, dar și pe niște tăblițe lucioase, care îmi oboseau ochii. Toate partiturile de la Conservator sunt desenate de mine. 

Aveam colegă o profesoară de pian, era cea mai frumoasă fată de acolo. Soțul ei, medic, a bătut-o într-o seară că nu i-a făcut ciorbă. De-asta-ți zic, scumpo, important e să fie un om cu suflet.

- Facem o poză? 

- Hai. 

- Eu sunt Andreea. 

- Frida. Evreică. Dar când ne mai vedem pe stradă mă strigi Duți, bine?

Ca din senin, azi am simțit să merg prin Cișmigiu până la birou, chiar dacă întârziasem deja. 

Recunosc, prin firea mea, imi place sa ascult oamenii vorbind, sa mi se depene povesti demult traite, sa invat din experienta altora. Acum, citindu-le pe cele doua doamne, cine imi poate spune ca batranii nu sunt adorabili, si ca nu sunt un adevarat izvor de intelepciune? Da, stiu, sunt si exceptii in persoanele fara suflet care indiferent de varsta nu inceteaza a-si scoate in evidenta goliciunea sau saracia spiritului, dar oare nu le facem o nedreptate celorlalti cand le ignoram sfaturile si ii punem la colt cu binecunoscuta "prapastie intre generatii"?
Eu zic ca da, sau poate ca doar ce am inceput sa realizez ca de fapt sunt si eu trecuta clasa "generatiei trecute", si, pe nesimtite incep sa asimilez mai usor mesajul lor, si, mai ales sa constientizez ce comoara se ascunde in privirea atoatestiutoare a batranilor. De multe ori m-a emotionat gestul cald al batranilor de a ma lua de mana, de a ma cobora pe banca ( sau scaun) si a incepe sa povesteasca. Simteam cum un titan al vietii imi spune non verbal: "E timpul sa asculti si sa inveti". E cea mai frumoasa si umila declaratie de dragoste pentru umanitate.
Si nu, nu o uit nici pe bunica care ne citea in ghioc si ne intreba inainte de a incepe procesul ghicirii: "Din pat ai chicat (a cadea, pica - era moldoveanca), cacat ai mancat? 
P.S. Trebuia sa raspunzi da, altfel nu putea sa-ti citeasca in ghioc :)))).

P.S. 1 - Multumesc Andreea Lupescu pentru permisiunea de a impartasi experienta-ti minunata:)

luni, 21 septembrie 2015

Intoduction into Me, myself...

Yeah, only after I rushed myself into presenting my family constellation, I realized that I started backward. This is so typically me.

Let me introduce myself: Ela, mother and wife, a small wheel in a huge family (3 siblings, 30 uncles and aunts, and almost 40 cousins), flighty, in love with old and authentic (starting from shattered mansions 'til the vintage earrings from the old ladies ears), bloody honest, motohoaica and canaraca (these two words are from the Moldovian vocabulary which means: 1 - shy; 2. stubborn), extra sensitive to children's sufferings, treasure searcher, playful, childish etc.

The decision of creating a blog came naturally after a person, who is very dear to me, was not able to be with me daily, so I couldn't show her my discoveries from Second Hand's stores:))) (joking).

Taking my serious face (ya, right), my desire to write in this blog is sustained by the following reasons:

-                     I love the past and the memories. I believe that the major advantage that bloggers has is that through their post they succeed to immortalize thoughts, experiences and sensations, and that they can, better than anyone, to observe their route or progress. I am really thrilled to follow fashion blogs and to discover fashion obsessions, different styles and, why not, the innovations. Even if, this blog will not treat a singular domain, for me, the post will represent true memorial stones of what I thought, felt and lived, in that particular moment.

-                     I was gently pushed to do it. Since the college years, when I had the impression that I am the only victim of embarrassing events (although, funny for my friends), I have been told: “Yo, Ela, you should write a book! This (event) could happen only to you”. Well, I haven’t wrote any book, and from all of those twisted experiences, all I can remember is the sensation of embarrassment mixed with giggles, without any idea regarding the events. Yes, the embarrassment still holds on!

-                     To have a blog helps you to be organized, and also allows you to make associations with different pictures, creating the moral obligation for the closest persons (aka husband) to make thousands of photos (and to respect the different request: do a photo here, with this door, stone, latch, fence, statue etc) in order to create something bigger than ourselves.

Now, writing the last reason, I deeply understand my husband’s behavior from the picture (I asked him to be photographed with all the trees from that botanical garden).

Oh, and another reason for having a blog is simply expressed in this motto (I don't remmber perfectly, but the idea is..."do today what you want, so you cannot say, in a year from now, I wish I would have done this a year ago".


Mda, tipic pentru mine, abia dupa ce m-am avantat in prezentarea familiei mele, mi-am dat seama ca am inceput de la coada la cap.

Asa ca, iata-ma-s: Ela, sotie si mama, cu multi ani, rotita intr-o familie numeroasa (3 frati, 30 de unchi si matusi, si vreo 40 de verisori), zapacita, indragostita de vechi si autentic (incepand de la casele/conacele darapanate si pana la cerceii vintage din urechile batranelor), foarte sincera, motohoaica si canaraca (adjective luate din limbajul basarabean - inseamna in traducere proprie: 1. babaloaica sau timida; 2. incapatanata - Irina sa ma corectezi daca am gresit!), extrasensibila la suferinta copiilor, iubesc scotocitul dupa comori, jucausa, copilaroasa etc.

Decizia de a avea un blog a fost urmarea fireasca a faptului ca o persoana draga mie nu mai este cu mine in fiecare zi, si eu nu mai aveam cum sa-i arat ce mi-am mai luat din SH:))) (glumesc).

Revenind pe taramul seriozitatii (ya, right), imi doresc sa scriu pentru urmatoarele motive:

-  iubesc trecutul si amintirile. Cred ca avantajul major pe care il au bloggeri este acela ca prin intermediul postarilor au reusit sa imortalizeze ganduri, trairi si senzatii, si ca pot, mai bine ca oricine, sa isi observe parcursul sau progresul. Chiar sunt incantata sa vad bloguri de fashion si sa vad obsesiile vestimentare, diferitele stiluri abordate, si, de ce nu, inovatiile in materie de stil. Chiar daca acest blog nu va trata un domeniu singular, pentru mine postarile vor fi veritabile pietre de aducere aminte a ceea ce am gandit, simtit si trait in acel moment. 

- am fost indrumata sa fac asta. Inca din timpurile facultatii, cand aveam impresia ca mie mi se intamplau toate fazele jenante de pe lume (amuzante pentru prietenii mei), mi s-a spus: "Bai, Ela, tu tre' sa scrii o carte! Numai tie ti se poate intampla asta:)))". Ei bine, nu am scris nicio carte, iar din tot ce mi s-a intamplat atunci, nu mai am decat senzatia de jena amestecata cu chicoteli, fara insa sa mai am o vaga idee despre intamplarile respective. DA, jena inca rezista!

- a avea un blog implica a fi organizat, si totodata iti permite sa faci asocieri cu diverse poze, si binenteles, creaza obligatia morala pentru ceilalti (a se citi hubby) sa te fotografieze (sa suporte cererile de "fa-mi o poza aici cu usa, cu piatra, cu clanta, cu gardu, statuia etc) cu stoicism pentru a cladi ceva mai maret decat noi:))).

Acum, scriind ultimul motiv, imi survine si explicatia pentru comportamentul sotului (il pusesem sa ne pozam cu toti copacii din gradina botanica:)))

Explicatie: mirii se sarutau dragastos, nasul, dupa 8 ani impreuna, are tendinte...hmmm, nu tocmai onorabile:).

Explanation: the groom kissed the bride gently, the godfather, after 8 years together, has...despicable intentions:).

A, si inca un motiv pentru care vreau sa fac asta e un motto foarte fain pe care l-am citit (parafrazat): "fa astazi ce iti doresti sa faci, ca nu cumva peste un an sa zici - ce bine ar fi fost sa fac asta acum un an!" 


sâmbătă, 19 septembrie 2015

...the rest of us (partea a II-a)

Being raised in a numerous family (3 girls and 1 boy), this post should be a very long one, but, because I like (actually, it is involuntary) to mislead everyone's expectancies (mine, included), in this post I will be very laconic.

A. - (the one that does not know how to swear:), is my sister, 4 years younger than me, who really rocked my existence with her sudden appearance. I just cannot remember the seldomly moments when I did NOT want to kick her. Actually, when I try to remember and to relive what I felt back then regarding her, my testosterone level exceed the one that the Thermopylae's Spartans had. I felt a huge urge to beat her, and, without knowing why, maybe an unresolved trauma, the mature part of me tells that she really deserved all the treatment she got from me.

A. - is very different from Nadi and yet, very alike - both of them are spenders, driving mom and me - obviously, crazy. She is critique, impulsive, stubborn, immature, with an esthetic sense highly developed - although not my style, hypochondriac, really smarty and, of course, spoiled. Even so, she is adored by her husband (a true enigma to me how she succeeds that :))).

In the same time, I have to say that that she was the one who cared for me when I was sick, family oriented and, for many years, she was my main partner in giving headaches to our parent.

M. - my bigger brother. Well, in this case, I will consider the main characteristic of my sign (Cancer) and I will say that he (I was 9 years old), hit me and provoked the biggest bruise ever on my leg. I will never forget that!

Crescand intr-o familie numeroasa (suntem 4 copii), postul acesta ar trebui sa fie foarte lung, numai ca mie imi place (de fapt, o fac involuntar) sa insel asteptarile tuturor (inclusiv ale mele), asa ca voi fi foarte succinta. Fine, I will add that now he is really OK.

My parents - good people with a lot of common sense.

My friends - many, funny, lovable, most of them right now are inexistent (maybe a black hole swallowed them :)).

Many persons/asteroids walked into my life, but right now I take my energy (please read that my energy is extracted from me) from my two adorable children who succeeded to play fox-trot with my ideals, plans and life principles. That's life, I suppose!

A.  - sora mai mica cu 4 ani, e cea care mi-a zdruncinat existenta cu aparitia ei total neasteptata. Nu-mi aduc aminte rarele momente in care NU voiam sa o bat. Pur si simplu, cand fac un apel la memorie si incerc sa retraiesc ce simteam atunci in legatura cu ea, imi creste nivelul de testosteron mai ceva ca al spartanilor de la Termopile. Aveam un chef nebun sa o bat, si nu stiu de ce, poate vreo trauma nerezolvata, ceva in sinea mea maturizata inca mai imi spune ca merita toata bataia pe care i-am dat-o.

A. e diferita de Nadi si totusi, foarte asemanatoare - amandoua sunt cheltuitoare, spre disperarea mamei si a mea. E critica, impulsiva, incapatanata, imatura, cu un simt estetic dezvoltat - desi nu pe stilul meu, ipohondra, isteata foc si rasfatata. Si cu toate acestea, e adorabila pentru sotul ei (e o enigma pentru mine:)))).

Nu pot insa sa nu amintesc faptul ca ea e cea care a avut grija de mine cand eram bolnava, dedicata familiei si, pentru multi ani, partenera mea in a face zile negre parintilor.

M. - fratele meu mai mare. Ei bine, in acest caz imi respect caracteristica principala a zodiei si nu voi aminti decat faptul ca el mi-a facut cea mai mai mare vanataie ever, cand eram pustoaica. Bine, spun si faptul e mega dragalas acum.

Parintii mei - oameni buni.

Prietenii mei - multi, haiosi, dragalasi, in mare parte, in prezent, inexistenti (cred ca i-o fi inghitit vreo gaura neagra).
Multe persoane/asteroizi s-au perindat prin viata mea, insa in prezent, energia o extrag (a se citi - imi este extrasa de) din cei doi copii ai mei care au reusit sa joace fox-trot cu idealurile, planurile si principiile mele de viata."C-asa-i in tenis", presupun!

Poza de acum 8 ani. Universul celor trei surori: eu - blonda (care radeam aiurea-n tramvai - oricum la nunta parca am fost drogata), bruneta din mijloc - A. - cam figuranta, bruneta inalta - Nadi - care cauta mental un remediu pentru mine. Suntem din vise, ce mai!

8 years ago. The Univers of the 3 sisters: I - the blondy (I was laughing for no reason, acting like I was high (from happiness, let us be clear), middle brunette - just A. - acting princess!, tall brunette - Nadi - who was mentally looking for a remedy for me. Charlie's Angels, right!

vineri, 18 septembrie 2015



I know, my title sounds really weird, taking into consideration the fact that my blog has recently popped out of nowhere, but, trust me, it took me 30 minutes to create it, paying the absolute price - half of my brain is in coma. This technology kills me...

Also, the title represent the exclamation of my good friend, X (I'm still waiting for her acceptance to be nominated), when she will find about my wonderful (and twisted) journey into the virtual world.
By the way, I owe her the valiancy to break the ice, after endless discussion and friendly fights.

That being said, from which you can conclude about me that I have two great "qualities" - I am a "master" in computer technology and a brave girl (I know, I'm funny), I will gracefully describe the universe of ..." the rest of us". 

In the beginning, it was Nadi (I don't have her acceptance to nominate her, but I'm sure it will going to be ok after she will properly swear me). She was, and partially, she continues to be my universe. It is not only that she fed me since I was a baby and that we shared the delicious dessert of cookies and apples, nor that she seriously kicked my butt, oh, noooooooooooo way, it is just the unique way she is. She fills the room with her personality, she is effervescent, harsh with weak people, laughs with noise, swears beautiful (I realize that it is a paradox what I just said, but she's really cute when she swears, that your first reaction is to laugh), drives Cruella like in Bucharest, but very carefully outside the town, loves my children and treats them like VIPs, she has the courage to starts quarrels with A. in a second if she sees that he doesn't treat us correctly, yeah...actually, she picks quarrels with everybody, but, somehow, she is in good terms with everybody. I don't know how she succeeds to do this, especially that she is a Cancer sign, and it is written in the fundamental laws of the Univers that Cancer people "never forget and bear eternal grudge". Well, I told you, she is a WONDER!

Oh, she is also, the most merciest person I ever met, and the most romantic ever (she watched "Gone with the wind" like 50 times, just to have an idea).

In the end, if I will give you the impression that, somehow,  I am mentally unstable, most of my thanks goes to this first fizzy universe created by Nadi, who raised me since the early childhood, and who still to runs her influence over me, depending on the equinoxes/solstices.

Then, A. came (I have to ask for her acceptance because she does not know how to swear beautifully)...and she shattered my already crazy Univers:).

(to be continued, otherwise, it will be a too long post)

Have a nice day!

In sfarsit!

Stiu, suna tare ciudat titlul meu, avand in vedere ca blogul e la geneza genezei, insa, pentru crearea lui au fost necesare aproximativ 30 minute de panicat creierii capului. E greu cu tehnologia asta, la varsta mea...

De asemenea, titlul reprezinta exclamatia pe care buna mea prietena, X (inca nu am acceptul sa o nominalizez), o va rosti atunci cand va afla de minunata (si intortocheata) mea incursiune in lumea virtuala. De altfel, ei ii datorez curajul de a sparge gheata, dupa indelungi discutii si ciondaneli amicale.

Aceasta fiind introducerea, din care puteti sa extrageti doua mari "calitati", gen - sunt un "master" in calculatoare si o curajoasa egocentrista (stiu, sunt amuzanta!), voi descrie in linii fine universul format din ..."the rest of us".

La inceput a fost Nadi (nici acceptul ei nu-l am, dar sunt sigura ca il voi obtine dupa ce imi voi fi primit o blagoslovire indecenta). Ea era si, partial, continua sa fie, universul meu. Nu numai ca m-a crescut de cand eram bebe si imparteam desertul de mere rase si biscuiti, sau ca mi-a tras cele mai sanatoase batai, nuuuu, nici pomeneala, ci faptul ca are un fel de a fi aparte. Umple camera cu personalitatea ei, e spumoasa, e nemiloasa cu cei slabi de inger, rade zgomotos, injura frumos (da, imi dau seama ca e un paradox ce am spus, dar chiar nu e vulgara cand in injura, doar iti vine sa razi cand o auzi), conduce nebuneste in Bucuresti si prudent in afara localitatii, imi iubeste copii si ii face sa se simta VIP-uri la ea acasa, il cearta pe A. cand merita, ...da, de fapt ea ii cearta pe toti si nu se supara pe niciunul. Nu stiu cum reuseste asta, mai ales ca e Raca (adica Rac), iar noi (racii) suntem chiar si in sferele celeste recunoscuti drept "cei ce nu uita niciodata raul/cearta" si care vom purta vesnica dusmanie. E o minune!

A, e cea mai miloasa persoana pe care am intalnit-o, si cea mai romantica (cred ca a vazut Gone with the wind de 50 ori, asta asa, ca sa aveti o idee).

Sumarizand, daca o sa par instabila psihic, mare parte se datoreaza acestui univers primar total inconstant format din Nadi, care m-a format din frageda pruncie, si care inca isi mai exercita influenta asupra mea, in functie de echinoctii/solstitii.

Apoi, a venit A. (ei trebuie sa-i cer acceptul, nu de alta, dar nu stie sa injure frumos). 

(va urma, altfel, ar deveni un post prea lung:)

Pe curand!