I know, my title sounds really weird, taking into consideration the fact that my blog has recently popped out of nowhere, but, trust me, it took me 30 minutes to create it, paying the absolute price - half of my brain is in coma. This technology kills me...
Also, the title represent the exclamation of my good friend, X (I'm still waiting for her acceptance to be nominated), when she will find about my wonderful (and twisted) journey into the virtual world.
By the way, I owe her the valiancy to break the ice, after endless discussion and friendly fights.
That being said, from which you can conclude about me that I have two great "qualities" - I am a "master" in computer technology and a brave girl (I know, I'm funny), I will gracefully describe the universe of ..." the rest of us".
I know, my title sounds really weird, taking into consideration the fact that my blog has recently popped out of nowhere, but, trust me, it took me 30 minutes to create it, paying the absolute price - half of my brain is in coma. This technology kills me...
Also, the title represent the exclamation of my good friend, X (I'm still waiting for her acceptance to be nominated), when she will find about my wonderful (and twisted) journey into the virtual world.
By the way, I owe her the valiancy to break the ice, after endless discussion and friendly fights.
That being said, from which you can conclude about me that I have two great "qualities" - I am a "master" in computer technology and a brave girl (I know, I'm funny), I will gracefully describe the universe of ..." the rest of us".
In the beginning, it was Nadi (I don't have her acceptance to nominate her, but I'm sure it will going to be ok after she will properly swear me). She was, and partially, she continues to be my universe. It is not only that she fed me since I was a baby and that we shared the delicious dessert of cookies and apples, nor that she seriously kicked my butt, oh, noooooooooooo way, it is just the unique way she is. She fills the room with her personality, she is effervescent, harsh with weak people, laughs with noise, swears beautiful (I realize that it is a paradox what I just said, but she's really cute when she swears, that your first reaction is to laugh), drives Cruella like in Bucharest, but very carefully outside the town, loves my children and treats them like VIPs, she has the courage to starts quarrels with A. in a second if she sees that he doesn't treat us correctly, yeah...actually, she picks quarrels with everybody, but, somehow, she is in good terms with everybody. I don't know how she succeeds to do this, especially that she is a Cancer sign, and it is written in the fundamental laws of the Univers that Cancer people "never forget and bear eternal grudge". Well, I told you, she is a WONDER!
Oh, she is also, the most merciest person I ever met, and the most romantic ever (she watched "Gone with the wind" like 50 times, just to have an idea).
In the end, if I will give you the impression that, somehow, I am mentally unstable, most of my thanks goes to this first fizzy universe created by Nadi, who raised me since the early childhood, and who still to runs her influence over me, depending on the equinoxes/solstices.
Then, A. came (I have to ask for her acceptance because she does not know how to swear beautifully)...and she shattered my already crazy Univers:).
(to be continued, otherwise, it will be a too long post)
Have a nice day!
In sfarsit!
Stiu, suna tare ciudat titlul meu, avand in vedere ca blogul e la geneza genezei, insa, pentru crearea lui au fost necesare aproximativ 30 minute de panicat creierii capului. E greu cu tehnologia asta, la varsta mea...
De asemenea, titlul reprezinta exclamatia pe care buna mea prietena, X (inca nu am acceptul sa o nominalizez), o va rosti atunci cand va afla de minunata (si intortocheata) mea incursiune in lumea virtuala. De altfel, ei ii datorez curajul de a sparge gheata, dupa indelungi discutii si ciondaneli amicale.
Aceasta fiind introducerea, din care puteti sa extrageti doua mari "calitati", gen - sunt un "master" in calculatoare si o curajoasa egocentrista (stiu, sunt amuzanta!), voi descrie in linii fine universul format din ..."the rest of us".
La inceput a fost Nadi (nici acceptul ei nu-l am, dar sunt sigura ca il voi obtine dupa ce imi voi fi primit o blagoslovire indecenta). Ea era si, partial, continua sa fie, universul meu. Nu numai ca m-a crescut de cand eram bebe si imparteam desertul de mere rase si biscuiti, sau ca mi-a tras cele mai sanatoase batai, nuuuu, nici pomeneala, ci faptul ca are un fel de a fi aparte. Umple camera cu personalitatea ei, e spumoasa, e nemiloasa cu cei slabi de inger, rade zgomotos, injura frumos (da, imi dau seama ca e un paradox ce am spus, dar chiar nu e vulgara cand in injura, doar iti vine sa razi cand o auzi), conduce nebuneste in Bucuresti si prudent in afara localitatii, imi iubeste copii si ii face sa se simta VIP-uri la ea acasa, il cearta pe A. cand merita, ...da, de fapt ea ii cearta pe toti si nu se supara pe niciunul. Nu stiu cum reuseste asta, mai ales ca e Raca (adica Rac), iar noi (racii) suntem chiar si in sferele celeste recunoscuti drept "cei ce nu uita niciodata raul/cearta" si care vom purta vesnica dusmanie. E o minune!
A, e cea mai miloasa persoana pe care am intalnit-o, si cea mai romantica (cred ca a vazut Gone with the wind de 50 ori, asta asa, ca sa aveti o idee).
Sumarizand, daca o sa par instabila psihic, mare parte se datoreaza acestui univers primar total inconstant format din Nadi, care m-a format din frageda pruncie, si care inca isi mai exercita influenta asupra mea, in functie de echinoctii/solstitii.
Apoi, a venit A. (ei trebuie sa-i cer acceptul, nu de alta, dar nu stie sa injure frumos).
(va urma, altfel, ar deveni un post prea lung:)
Pe curand!
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