Being raised in a numerous family (3 girls and 1 boy), this post should be a very long one, but, because I like (actually, it is involuntary) to mislead everyone's expectancies (mine, included), in this post I will be very laconic.
A. - (the one that does not know how to swear:), is my sister, 4 years younger than me, who really rocked my existence with her sudden appearance. I just cannot remember the seldomly moments when I did NOT want to kick her. Actually, when I try to remember and to relive what I felt back then regarding her, my testosterone level exceed the one that the Thermopylae's Spartans had. I felt a huge urge to beat her, and, without knowing why, maybe an unresolved trauma, the mature part of me tells that she really deserved all the treatment she got from me.
A. - is very different from Nadi and yet, very alike - both of them are spenders, driving mom and me - obviously, crazy. She is critique, impulsive, stubborn, immature, with an esthetic sense highly developed - although not my style, hypochondriac, really smarty and, of course, spoiled. Even so, she is adored by her husband (a true enigma to me how she succeeds that :))).
In the same time, I have to say that that she was the one who cared for me when I was sick, family oriented and, for many years, she was my main partner in giving headaches to our parent.
M. - my bigger brother. Well, in this case, I will consider the main characteristic of my sign (Cancer) and I will say that he (I was 9 years old), hit me and provoked the biggest bruise ever on my leg. I will never forget that!
Crescand intr-o familie numeroasa (suntem 4 copii), postul acesta ar trebui sa fie foarte lung, numai ca mie imi place (de fapt, o fac involuntar) sa insel asteptarile tuturor (inclusiv ale mele), asa ca voi fi foarte succinta. Fine, I will add that now he is really OK.
My parents - good people with a lot of common sense.
My friends - many, funny, lovable, most of them right now are inexistent (maybe a black hole swallowed them :)).
Many persons/asteroids walked into my life, but right now I take my energy (please read that my energy is extracted from me) from my two adorable children who succeeded to play fox-trot with my ideals, plans and life principles. That's life, I suppose!
A. - (the one that does not know how to swear:), is my sister, 4 years younger than me, who really rocked my existence with her sudden appearance. I just cannot remember the seldomly moments when I did NOT want to kick her. Actually, when I try to remember and to relive what I felt back then regarding her, my testosterone level exceed the one that the Thermopylae's Spartans had. I felt a huge urge to beat her, and, without knowing why, maybe an unresolved trauma, the mature part of me tells that she really deserved all the treatment she got from me.
A. - is very different from Nadi and yet, very alike - both of them are spenders, driving mom and me - obviously, crazy. She is critique, impulsive, stubborn, immature, with an esthetic sense highly developed - although not my style, hypochondriac, really smarty and, of course, spoiled. Even so, she is adored by her husband (a true enigma to me how she succeeds that :))).
In the same time, I have to say that that she was the one who cared for me when I was sick, family oriented and, for many years, she was my main partner in giving headaches to our parent.
M. - my bigger brother. Well, in this case, I will consider the main characteristic of my sign (Cancer) and I will say that he (I was 9 years old), hit me and provoked the biggest bruise ever on my leg. I will never forget that!
Crescand intr-o familie numeroasa (suntem 4 copii), postul acesta ar trebui sa fie foarte lung, numai ca mie imi place (de fapt, o fac involuntar) sa insel asteptarile tuturor (inclusiv ale mele), asa ca voi fi foarte succinta. Fine, I will add that now he is really OK.
My parents - good people with a lot of common sense.
My friends - many, funny, lovable, most of them right now are inexistent (maybe a black hole swallowed them :)).
Many persons/asteroids walked into my life, but right now I take my energy (please read that my energy is extracted from me) from my two adorable children who succeeded to play fox-trot with my ideals, plans and life principles. That's life, I suppose!
A. - sora mai mica cu 4 ani, e cea care mi-a zdruncinat existenta cu aparitia ei total neasteptata. Nu-mi aduc aminte rarele momente in care NU voiam sa o bat. Pur si simplu, cand fac un apel la memorie si incerc sa retraiesc ce simteam atunci in legatura cu ea, imi creste nivelul de testosteron mai ceva ca al spartanilor de la Termopile. Aveam un chef nebun sa o bat, si nu stiu de ce, poate vreo trauma nerezolvata, ceva in sinea mea maturizata inca mai imi spune ca merita toata bataia pe care i-am dat-o.
A. e diferita de Nadi si totusi, foarte asemanatoare - amandoua sunt cheltuitoare, spre disperarea mamei si a mea. E critica, impulsiva, incapatanata, imatura, cu un simt estetic dezvoltat - desi nu pe stilul meu, ipohondra, isteata foc si rasfatata. Si cu toate acestea, e adorabila pentru sotul ei (e o enigma pentru mine:)))).
Nu pot insa sa nu amintesc faptul ca ea e cea care a avut grija de mine cand eram bolnava, dedicata familiei si, pentru multi ani, partenera mea in a face zile negre parintilor.
M. - fratele meu mai mare. Ei bine, in acest caz imi respect caracteristica principala a zodiei si nu voi aminti decat faptul ca el mi-a facut cea mai mai mare vanataie ever, cand eram pustoaica. Bine, spun si faptul e mega dragalas acum.
Parintii mei - oameni buni.
Prietenii mei - multi, haiosi, dragalasi, in mare parte, in prezent, inexistenti (cred ca i-o fi inghitit vreo gaura neagra).
Multe persoane/asteroizi s-au perindat prin viata mea, insa in prezent, energia o extrag (a se citi - imi este extrasa de) din cei doi copii ai mei care au reusit sa joace fox-trot cu idealurile, planurile si principiile mele de viata."C-asa-i in tenis", presupun!
Poza de acum 8 ani. Universul celor trei surori: eu - blonda (care radeam aiurea-n tramvai - oricum la nunta parca am fost drogata), bruneta din mijloc - A. - cam figuranta, bruneta inalta - Nadi - care cauta mental un remediu pentru mine. Suntem din vise, ce mai!
8 years ago. The Univers of the 3 sisters: I - the blondy (I was laughing for no reason, acting like I was high (from happiness, let us be clear), middle brunette - just A. - acting princess!, tall brunette - Nadi - who was mentally looking for a remedy for me. Charlie's Angels, right!
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