luni, 21 septembrie 2015

Intoduction into Me, myself...

Yeah, only after I rushed myself into presenting my family constellation, I realized that I started backward. This is so typically me.

Let me introduce myself: Ela, mother and wife, a small wheel in a huge family (3 siblings, 30 uncles and aunts, and almost 40 cousins), flighty, in love with old and authentic (starting from shattered mansions 'til the vintage earrings from the old ladies ears), bloody honest, motohoaica and canaraca (these two words are from the Moldovian vocabulary which means: 1 - shy; 2. stubborn), extra sensitive to children's sufferings, treasure searcher, playful, childish etc.

The decision of creating a blog came naturally after a person, who is very dear to me, was not able to be with me daily, so I couldn't show her my discoveries from Second Hand's stores:))) (joking).

Taking my serious face (ya, right), my desire to write in this blog is sustained by the following reasons:

-                     I love the past and the memories. I believe that the major advantage that bloggers has is that through their post they succeed to immortalize thoughts, experiences and sensations, and that they can, better than anyone, to observe their route or progress. I am really thrilled to follow fashion blogs and to discover fashion obsessions, different styles and, why not, the innovations. Even if, this blog will not treat a singular domain, for me, the post will represent true memorial stones of what I thought, felt and lived, in that particular moment.

-                     I was gently pushed to do it. Since the college years, when I had the impression that I am the only victim of embarrassing events (although, funny for my friends), I have been told: “Yo, Ela, you should write a book! This (event) could happen only to you”. Well, I haven’t wrote any book, and from all of those twisted experiences, all I can remember is the sensation of embarrassment mixed with giggles, without any idea regarding the events. Yes, the embarrassment still holds on!

-                     To have a blog helps you to be organized, and also allows you to make associations with different pictures, creating the moral obligation for the closest persons (aka husband) to make thousands of photos (and to respect the different request: do a photo here, with this door, stone, latch, fence, statue etc) in order to create something bigger than ourselves.

Now, writing the last reason, I deeply understand my husband’s behavior from the picture (I asked him to be photographed with all the trees from that botanical garden).

Oh, and another reason for having a blog is simply expressed in this motto (I don't remmber perfectly, but the idea is..."do today what you want, so you cannot say, in a year from now, I wish I would have done this a year ago".


Mda, tipic pentru mine, abia dupa ce m-am avantat in prezentarea familiei mele, mi-am dat seama ca am inceput de la coada la cap.

Asa ca, iata-ma-s: Ela, sotie si mama, cu multi ani, rotita intr-o familie numeroasa (3 frati, 30 de unchi si matusi, si vreo 40 de verisori), zapacita, indragostita de vechi si autentic (incepand de la casele/conacele darapanate si pana la cerceii vintage din urechile batranelor), foarte sincera, motohoaica si canaraca (adjective luate din limbajul basarabean - inseamna in traducere proprie: 1. babaloaica sau timida; 2. incapatanata - Irina sa ma corectezi daca am gresit!), extrasensibila la suferinta copiilor, iubesc scotocitul dupa comori, jucausa, copilaroasa etc.

Decizia de a avea un blog a fost urmarea fireasca a faptului ca o persoana draga mie nu mai este cu mine in fiecare zi, si eu nu mai aveam cum sa-i arat ce mi-am mai luat din SH:))) (glumesc).

Revenind pe taramul seriozitatii (ya, right), imi doresc sa scriu pentru urmatoarele motive:

-  iubesc trecutul si amintirile. Cred ca avantajul major pe care il au bloggeri este acela ca prin intermediul postarilor au reusit sa imortalizeze ganduri, trairi si senzatii, si ca pot, mai bine ca oricine, sa isi observe parcursul sau progresul. Chiar sunt incantata sa vad bloguri de fashion si sa vad obsesiile vestimentare, diferitele stiluri abordate, si, de ce nu, inovatiile in materie de stil. Chiar daca acest blog nu va trata un domeniu singular, pentru mine postarile vor fi veritabile pietre de aducere aminte a ceea ce am gandit, simtit si trait in acel moment. 

- am fost indrumata sa fac asta. Inca din timpurile facultatii, cand aveam impresia ca mie mi se intamplau toate fazele jenante de pe lume (amuzante pentru prietenii mei), mi s-a spus: "Bai, Ela, tu tre' sa scrii o carte! Numai tie ti se poate intampla asta:)))". Ei bine, nu am scris nicio carte, iar din tot ce mi s-a intamplat atunci, nu mai am decat senzatia de jena amestecata cu chicoteli, fara insa sa mai am o vaga idee despre intamplarile respective. DA, jena inca rezista!

- a avea un blog implica a fi organizat, si totodata iti permite sa faci asocieri cu diverse poze, si binenteles, creaza obligatia morala pentru ceilalti (a se citi hubby) sa te fotografieze (sa suporte cererile de "fa-mi o poza aici cu usa, cu piatra, cu clanta, cu gardu, statuia etc) cu stoicism pentru a cladi ceva mai maret decat noi:))).

Acum, scriind ultimul motiv, imi survine si explicatia pentru comportamentul sotului (il pusesem sa ne pozam cu toti copacii din gradina botanica:)))

Explicatie: mirii se sarutau dragastos, nasul, dupa 8 ani impreuna, are tendinte...hmmm, nu tocmai onorabile:).

Explanation: the groom kissed the bride gently, the godfather, after 8 years together, has...despicable intentions:).

A, si inca un motiv pentru care vreau sa fac asta e un motto foarte fain pe care l-am citit (parafrazat): "fa astazi ce iti doresti sa faci, ca nu cumva peste un an sa zici - ce bine ar fi fost sa fac asta acum un an!" 


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