And then...I saw her!
Turning back în time, 6.5 years ago, I can sincerely declare that I have been saved from depression by a beautiful dead woman - Audrey Hepburn.
Let me explain myself: I was a newly Mom (my son was 6 months at that time), I felt like a fluffy doughnut, because, even if I didn't eat much, I still couldn't lose the kilos I have taken during my pregnancy, sleepless - I think my baby had a sensor who announced him if I dared to sleep, I didn't have time to wash, to put some makeup on my face, I didn't fit in my beautiful clothes, my hair - was living in complete anonymity, my job was suspended, so as my cerebral activity who was active only to hear the screams of the baby and my physiologic needs.
Without exaggeration, I was feeling annulled as a woman, and taking into consideration that event the grownups - aka my friends - did not call me anymore (probably they were exhausted to hear me talking about my baby, although I implored them to tell me job cases, to put in function my brain), I suddenly woke up that all I am doing all day long is to sing lullabies and recite little poems for my baby.
Maybe, this picture will demoralize some of the wish-to-be-a-mom girls, but I have an excuse: I wasn't ready for a baby. A brief suggestion: don't make children unless you really desire them, otherwise, you will get really frustrated (like I did).
In the same time, I was surrounded by my beautiful, gorgeous, shiny sisters, who were invited to restaurants, clubs, journeys, they were having jobs, friends meeting, and I...had my baby (also known as the paradise birdie, my little princess prince), who I loved immensely, but somehow, I couldn't ignore that deep down my heart I wish I could slip to the door and freely go with my sisters.
My biggest affordable pleasure was to go their home and watch them getting dressed and makeup for parties (I have to admit that after they left the house, I used to attack their makeup utensils as well and to fall asleep with my makeup on), and after they left, to watch TV movies (we didn't have TV cable so the baby won't stare at the TV).
So, in one of those sweet-bitter nights, I discovered Audrey within all her splendor, while she was yearning in front of the Tiffany's jewelry store, in the well-known movie - Breakfast at Tiffany's. Oh boy, although I am an expert of the window shopping (since forever, I may add), in that very moment, I truly understood the deep meaning of the word "yearning" (I guess, we were in same state of mind). Not only that I felt Holly's grinding wishes, but also I ascertained a superb, elegant, immortal Audrey, with her timeless style, and SKINNYYYYY (way too thin, actually), that being the image that totally reset my brain. From that moment, I had a dream, a target, it was over with the adrift in my life, I was going to be like her (even if it sounds really sick:)).
I watched all of her movies, I read her biography and, in all this context ruled by her existence, I (and my husband) received a wedding invitation in a fabulous place - the Bragadiru Palace. Let me assure you that not even for my wedding I did not make all that fuss and put the world on fire like I did for this wedding:)).
The pictures are the proof of my transformation.
The next day after the wedding, the grooms wanted to meet us, and the very first thing the ex-bride said was: "Audrey Hepburn! You looked just like her the other night and, and trust, all night I tried to find out with who you look like". Well, in this context, all I could say - to myself, of course, - was "Mission accomplished!".
But, apart from that night, it was Audrey who taught me to appreciate the value of old, authentic, the melange between extravagant (let's be honest, being the muse of YSL, she needed a certain amount of extravagance) and classic. This is how I uncover the beauty of vintage...through her, like a legacy of elegance and common sense, a proof of self-respect and the significance of time trails.
Intorcand-ma in timp, acum 6,5 ani, pot spune cu mana pe inima ca eu am fost salvata de la depresie de o moarta superba - Audrey Hepburn.
Turning back în time, 6.5 years ago, I can sincerely declare that I have been saved from depression by a beautiful dead woman - Audrey Hepburn.
Let me explain myself: I was a newly Mom (my son was 6 months at that time), I felt like a fluffy doughnut, because, even if I didn't eat much, I still couldn't lose the kilos I have taken during my pregnancy, sleepless - I think my baby had a sensor who announced him if I dared to sleep, I didn't have time to wash, to put some makeup on my face, I didn't fit in my beautiful clothes, my hair - was living in complete anonymity, my job was suspended, so as my cerebral activity who was active only to hear the screams of the baby and my physiologic needs.
Without exaggeration, I was feeling annulled as a woman, and taking into consideration that event the grownups - aka my friends - did not call me anymore (probably they were exhausted to hear me talking about my baby, although I implored them to tell me job cases, to put in function my brain), I suddenly woke up that all I am doing all day long is to sing lullabies and recite little poems for my baby.
Maybe, this picture will demoralize some of the wish-to-be-a-mom girls, but I have an excuse: I wasn't ready for a baby. A brief suggestion: don't make children unless you really desire them, otherwise, you will get really frustrated (like I did).
In the same time, I was surrounded by my beautiful, gorgeous, shiny sisters, who were invited to restaurants, clubs, journeys, they were having jobs, friends meeting, and I...had my baby (also known as the paradise birdie, my little princess prince), who I loved immensely, but somehow, I couldn't ignore that deep down my heart I wish I could slip to the door and freely go with my sisters.
My biggest affordable pleasure was to go their home and watch them getting dressed and makeup for parties (I have to admit that after they left the house, I used to attack their makeup utensils as well and to fall asleep with my makeup on), and after they left, to watch TV movies (we didn't have TV cable so the baby won't stare at the TV).
So, in one of those sweet-bitter nights, I discovered Audrey within all her splendor, while she was yearning in front of the Tiffany's jewelry store, in the well-known movie - Breakfast at Tiffany's. Oh boy, although I am an expert of the window shopping (since forever, I may add), in that very moment, I truly understood the deep meaning of the word "yearning" (I guess, we were in same state of mind). Not only that I felt Holly's grinding wishes, but also I ascertained a superb, elegant, immortal Audrey, with her timeless style, and SKINNYYYYY (way too thin, actually), that being the image that totally reset my brain. From that moment, I had a dream, a target, it was over with the adrift in my life, I was going to be like her (even if it sounds really sick:)).
I watched all of her movies, I read her biography and, in all this context ruled by her existence, I (and my husband) received a wedding invitation in a fabulous place - the Bragadiru Palace. Let me assure you that not even for my wedding I did not make all that fuss and put the world on fire like I did for this wedding:)).
The pictures are the proof of my transformation.
The next day after the wedding, the grooms wanted to meet us, and the very first thing the ex-bride said was: "Audrey Hepburn! You looked just like her the other night and, and trust, all night I tried to find out with who you look like". Well, in this context, all I could say - to myself, of course, - was "Mission accomplished!".
But, apart from that night, it was Audrey who taught me to appreciate the value of old, authentic, the melange between extravagant (let's be honest, being the muse of YSL, she needed a certain amount of extravagance) and classic. This is how I uncover the beauty of vintage...through her, like a legacy of elegance and common sense, a proof of self-respect and the significance of time trails.
P.S. - in the second picture you can see that I am rosy-red. I was like that just because I danced like a crazy - just like Audrey did in Funny Face:)));
P.S. 1 - I saw a wonderful movie who treats the same subject - "W.E." ( a married misunderstood woman who starts to be intrigued by the famous relationship of the English king who abdicated just to be with the woman of his life). I truly recommend this movie!
P.S.2 - Nadi, although she declared herself maddened by my "obsession" when she was in Italy, she brought me the most beautiful picture with Audrey - the one with the Tiffany's shop window, although she never knew the inside story:)).
I still love Audrey!
I still love Audrey!
Intorcand-ma in timp, acum 6,5 ani, pot spune cu mana pe inima ca eu am fost salvata de la depresie de o moarta superba - Audrey Hepburn.
Sa explic: eram mama de 6 luni, ma simteam ca o gogoasa infuriata, caci, desi nu reuseam sa mananc mai nimic, tot nu scapam de kilogramele pe care le acumulasem in timpul sarcinii, eram nedormita - caci al meu copil avea un senzor care-l anunta cand adormeam eu, chestie ce era de neconceput pentru el, nu aveam timp sa ma machiez, nu incapeam in hainele frumoase, parul meu - traia in anonimitate completa, jobul fusese suspendat, si, la fel si activitatea mea cerebrala care nu raspundea decat la tipetele lui bebe si la nevoile mele fiziologice.
Fara exagerare, ma simteam anulata ca femeie, si avand in vedere ca nici oamenii maturi - aka prietenii mei - nu ma mai sunau (probabil exasperati ca vorbesc numai despre bebe, desi eu ii rugam sa imi spuna spete, cazuri de la job), m-am pomenit ca toata ziua recitam poezii si cantam cantecele Trilulilu.
Poate suna demoralizant tabloul pentru viitoarele mamici, dar eu am o scuza: nu eram pregatita. Imi permit o sugestie -nu faceti copii pana cand nu ii doriti cu adevarat, altfel veti fi foarte frustrate.
Mai mult, in jurul meu le aveam pe surorile mele care erau stralucitoare, se duceau in cluburi, in restaurante, excursii prin tara, se duceau la munca, aveau prieteni...iar eu, aveam un bebe (aka pasarica paradisului si printesul meu, asa ii spuneam baiatului meu:))), in ochii caruia ma topeam, dar nu puteam sa ignor ca in mintea mea exista dorinta ca undeva, cumva, candva, mi-as dori sa plec si eu pe poarta cu ele.
Marea mea placere era sa stau la ele acasa, macar sa le vad cand plecau aranjate (recunosc, ma machiam si eu cand plecau ele si adormeam boita la ochi:))), iar dupa ce plecau, sa ma uit la TV, la filme (noi nu mai avem cablu de aprox. 7 ani, tocmai ca sa il ferim pe bebe de influenta nefasta a TV-ului).
Ei bine, si intr-una din serile astea dulci-amarui, am descoperit-o pe Audrey in toata splendoarea, intr-o scena din Breakfast at Tiffani's, cand se uita cu jind la vitrina magazinului. Mai sa fie, de cand ma stiu am facut window shopping - sunt experta la asta - dar atunci, mai mult ca oricand am inteles ce inseamna a jindui (eram in aceeasi stare de spirit amandoua:)). Apoi, ca am inteles-o pe Holly ce dorinte o macinau, e una, dar ca am vazut-o pe Audrey atat de frumoasa, eleganta, nemuritoare, cu stilu-i atemporal, si SLABAAAAAAAA (moarta de slaba, fie vorba intre noi), asta mi-a resetat creierasul. Aveam o tinta, se terminase cu plutirea mea in deriva - urma sa fiu ca EA (oricat de bolnav suna:))).
M-am apucat sa-i vad toate filmele, sa-i citesc biografia si, in tot acest context guvernat de Audrey, am fost invitati la o nunta intr-o locatie superba - Palatul Bragadiru. Bai baiete, nici pentru nunta mea nu m-am framantat atat si nu am pus in miscare fiecare membru al familiei:))).
Rezultatul se afla in urmatoarele poze:
A doua zi dupa nunta, mirii au vrut sa ne intalnim, iar primile cuvinte ale miresei au fost: "Audrey Hepburn! Crede-ma ca ieri seara ma tot chinuiam sa imi dau seama cu cine semeni, si abia acum am identificat. Aseara ai semanat foarte mult cu ea." Eu ce sa mai zic? Mi-am zis in gand - mission accomplished!
Dar dincolo de seara aceea superba, de la Audrey am invatat sa apreciez ce este vechi, autentic, melanjul intre extravagant (fiind muza lui YSL era implicit necesara doza de extravaganta), opulent, si clasic. Asa am descoperit vintage-ul...prin ea, ca o mostenire a elegantei si bunului-simt, a respectului fata de sine si fata de timp.
P.S. - in a doua poza se vede ca sunt rosie la fata pentru ca am dansat ca o nebuna - asa cum a facut si Audrey in Funny face:)))
P.S. 1 - Am vazut un film superb care trateaza destul de bine subiectul - "W.E." ( o tipa cu o viata destul de insipida incepe sa fie extrem de curioasa in legatura cu trecutul tumultos al regelui englez ce a abdicat multumita iubirii ce i-o purta unei americance). RECOMAND!
P.S.2 - Nadi, desi s-a declarat exasperata de "obsesia" mea, cand a fost in Italia, mi-a cumparat cel mai frumos tablou cu Audrey - Fix ala cu vitrina:)).
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