joi, 1 octombrie 2015

Am fost la Secondou :)))

I have been in Secondou:))

For those uninitiated in the enigma of family B, I announce you that, 15 years ago, a great lady arrived in the middle of us, who, apart of the wisdom she spread around us, she also gave us the chance to play the riddle game of our life. I, Nadi and A. was the wondered spectators of all the goodies Mrs. X brought and the silent listeners of all the goodies that we could find from a chain store named - SECONDOU. I and A. were already jubilating, not mentioning that we also started to visualize that Nadi (she was the one with the money, we were just asking from her:))...will wide open the doors of her wallet and will invite us to feast from the UNKNOWN store.

In our craziness to get dressed and ready as fast as we could, I noticed that Nadi was struggling to find out about the store Mrs. N. told us about and the location of it. This dilemma was never happening before because Nadi was sort of a Google Maps of all the stores of Bucharest. Nothing gets out of her sight…
In the fast installed quietness of the room, just looking at our paralyzed faces (mine’s and A.’s), you could tell that: “Houston, we’ve got a problem!”
“-Nadi, I said whispering, wishing not to wake her up too brutally, what’s happening?
-          I just cannot figure out about which store she was talking about.
-          She said SECONDOU – I add proudly of my “prodigious” memory.
-          I know that, but I have no idea where it is.
-       Well, think about it, she said that she brought 10-bed lingerie, bathrobes (OMG, I started drooling again now that I remembered all of the goodies). Think about it…where you can find all those stuff? With my eyes as a lemur and with a trembling voice I whisper quietly – at the SECONDOU!”
A rebel thought gave shivers across my spine:
“- Nadi, is that you do not want to take us there?
- No, it’s nothing about that, but I just can’t figure out where this store is.”
Back then, I used to ask stupidly, everybody, in any situation, driving them crazy: “Think so?” I did so, naturally! The response was nonverbal and contained a concentration of 10 swears of medium length and gravity. After that, she took her phone and called Mrs. N, who already was home admiring her precious prey. I do not remember what they talked about on the phone because I was thinking slow thanks to her energetic attack, but all I know is that after she hung up the phone she started to laugh scaring the #$%^ out of me.
Explanatory note:
1)      She was really happy that she received the confirmation that she did not lose her memory (regarding the localization of the stores, to be clear) and that her precious brain did not suffer any damage;
2)      Secondoul was nothing else than the SECOND HAND stores, but through original methods (unknown by mortals like us) Mrs. N. succeeded to read it twisted;
3)      It was time to spend the money in REAL STORES, please! We do not enter Second Hand!
Yes, I admit, we used to have a personal philosophy regarding the fact that we better buy Chinese stuff (the quality is very low), than to enter in any SH, no matter what. Which is totally ironic, because, since my birth until, I cannot tell exactly the finish limit because I still wearJ, I wore SH clothes. Being the middle girl, my mother used to dressed me in Nadi’s old clothes, and Nadi had to have new ones, of course, while my little sister A., had to have new ones, as well, because all of my old clothes were way to thread to be worn. So here I am, the happy promoter of SH since early childhood, unconsciously – actually, buuuuuut, with a huge proclivity towards vintage. Only thinking about this aspect, I realize the quantity of the originality that is stacked inside me (me, and a few thousand children, who were obliged just like me to wear big brothers clothes
This being said, years passed and, unconsciously, the voice of the inner child started to be heard. Actually, I saw Nadi’s Escada trench coat brought from an SH. That drove me crazy instantly and for good. And then I saw Andreea Balaban’s SH treasures ( That’s it. SH, I’m coming for you!

Two week ago I have been in SH and I brought a few clothes that looked too cozy on the racks, and I thought that it will be better to take them and to pile them in my house…you know, so won’t get any cold!:)

Pentru cei neinitiati in tainele familiei B., va aduc la cunostinta ca acum 15 ani a intrat in sanul nostru o tanti care, pe langa lucrurile uzuale pe care le impartasea cu noi, ne-a dat sansa sa jucam jocul vietii. Eram eu, Nadi si A., cand tanti a inceput sa ne spuna ce minuni a cumparat si ce minuni de lucruri au mai ramas de cumparat dintr-un lant de magazine - Secondou. Mie si A., deja ni se invarteau ochii ca la jocurile mecanice de incantare, ca sa nu mai spunem ca deja vizualizam ca Nadi (ea era cea cu banii, noi eram lipitorile)...isi va deschide larg portile portofelului si ne va invita sa ne infruptam pe saturate din magazinul...PAUZA!

In goana noastra spre a ne imbraca sa purcedem la marea aventura, am observat-o pe Nadi ca-si cam chinuia creierii capului sa-si dea seama unde si despre ce magazin tocmai ne vorbise tanti N. Asa ceva nu se mai intamplase pana atunci, pentru ca Nadi era un fel de Google maps al magazinelor din Bucuresti. Nimic nu-i scapa...

Dupa linistea asternunta in camera si fetele noastre paralizate (a mea si a A.), puteai sa-ti dai seama ca "Houstonu-ul" nostru avea o mare problema.

"- Nadi, i-am spus in soapta, pentru a nu o trezi brusc din transa in care parea pierduta, ce e?
- Nu stiu despre ce magazin vorbeste.
- A spus - SECONDOU - zic eu mareata, mandra foc de memoria-mi glorioasa.
- Asta stiu si eu, numai ca nu stiu unde e.
- Pai, gandeste-te, a zis ca si-a luat lenjerie de pat in 10 exemplare, halate de baie... (wailei - incepusem iar sa salivez cand ma apucase enumeratu'). Unde se gasesc atatea? Cu ochi de lemur si voce de pitigoi incantat, Secondou!
 Un gand infiorator ma fulgera:
 - Cumva, Nadi, tu nu vrei sa ne duci acolo?
- Nu, nu-i vorba de asta, doar ca nu stiu despre ce vorbea.
Pe vremea aceea avem o vorba numai buna pentru dilema noastra:
- Crezi? i-am spus pe cel mai ironic ton.
Dupa o privire usturatoare care a insumat cam 10 injuraturi de lungime si gravitate medie, si-a luat telefonul si a sunat-o pe tanti N., care si ajunsese acasa cu pretioasa-i prada. Nu mai tin minte ce au discutat la telefon, caci eram putin lenta in gandire dupa atacul energetic (flacara violet, whatever,  you name it), stiu doar ca dupa ce a inchis telefonul, a inceput sa rada spontan de-mi era ca mi se agraveaza starea de letargie.


1. Era foarte fericita ca, de fapt, prin raspunsul dat, i se confirmase ca memoria ei este perfecta (in privinta localizarii magazinelor, sa ne intelegem:))), ca nu suferise niciun damage la creieras;
2. Secondoul, nu era altceva decat SECOND - HAND-ul in citire si traducere marca proprie - tanti. N; si acum e un mister pentru noi cum a ajuns ea sa poceasca in asa hal secondoul.
3. Mergeam sa spargem banii in alt magazin, noi nu intram in second!, te rog:)))

Da, aveam o filosofie proprie si personala, ca noi nu intram in SH, ca mai bine ne cumparam de la Obor chinezarii, decat sa intram in acel "lant de magazine":))). Ceea ce e total ironic, deoarece, de cand m-am nascut si pana la, nu pot sa precizez o varsta, ca si acum mai port:))), am avut haine SH. Fiind mijlocia dintre fete, mama mereu imi dadea hainele purtate de Nadi, careia trebuia sa-i cumpere haine noi, doar era cea mai mare fata si nu avea de la cine altcineva sa poarte, iar A., la fel, trebuia sa-i cumpere haine noi, caci ea nu mai putea purta ce am purtat eu - erau mult prea uzate. Si iata-ma fericita promotoare a SH inca din frageda pruncie, in mod inconstient, ce-i drept, daaaaaaaaaaaaaar, cu o inclinatie aparte spre vintage inca de atunci. Numai gandindu-ma la asta, imi dau seama ce originala sunt (eu, si inca vreo cateva zeci de mii de copii, obligati sa purtam hainele fratilor mai mari)!

Acestea fiind spuse, anii au trecut, si inconstient, glasul copilariei marcante (al pamantului, nu-l am, am iubirii - n-are nicio treaba), a inceput sa fie auzit. De fapt, am vazut-o pe Nadi cu un trench coat de la Escada - luat din SH. Am innebunit instant si definitiv. Apoi am vazut-o pe Andreea Balaban ( ce comori isi ia din SH. Pana aici!

Acum doua saptamani am fost in SH (de fapt am mai fost de atunci, dar na...sunt misterioasa!), si am luat cateva haine ca mi se pareau ca stateau prea confortabil pe stative...mai bine sa vina la mine sa le inghesui ca si asa vine iarna, si sa nu raceasca cumva:)

 Rochie care cu siguranta ma va ajuta sa prind un post la REBU, mai ales acum toamna, caci las in urma mea o curatenie impecabila. Nu stiu cum reusesc eu sa o port, dar la sfarsitul zile, gasesc frunze in ea - de zici ca ma costumez in Zana Toamna! Dar e foarte faina:)

 Jeansi Wrangler - superbi, clasici, cu talie inalta de-mi simt plamanii cum se inghesuie in cutia toacica, dar absolut deliciosi - 10 lei:)))
 Un trenci - Vittorio nu mai stiu cum, este bestiala culoarea si croiala.
 Pulover de casmir 100%. Acest exemplar a intrat in viata mea pentru a demonstra nu numai ca prostia nu doare, ci e si benefica uneori. Gen, am bagat la spalat, din greseala, acest pulover (care il incapea pe Baloo, daca se chinuia un pic) la o temperatura mai mare decat trebuia, si cand l-am scos imi venea foarte bine. Il veti vedea in postarea urmatoare!

 Nu stiu ce e, cum o sa imbrac acest puloveras, dar nu pot sa nu reproduc ce a zis vanzatoarul cand m-a vazut cu el in mana: "Chiar ma intrebam cand o sa-l cumparati! Pana acum, nu s-a uitat nimeni la el. Stiam ca o sa-l luati dvs." Din ciclul: freaky meats Mama Omida!

Aceasta bluza e comoara hainelor mele, si amintirea sumbra a privirii primite de vanzator cand mi-a vazut topaitul arhaic. Stiti si voi, ca in anumite momente cheie, subconstientul preia fraiele si te face sa pari omul pesterilor reloaded. Cam asa am patit eu in momentul in care am vazut aceasta bluza: cerurile s-au deschis, ingerii au cantat, eu am topait, nenea s-a uitat am platit. End of story. Impresii: mi-e mare???????? DAAAAAA, putin, insignifiant - as adauga! pot sa o port???????? DAAAA, o voi purta????? NUUUUU - doar o ating din cand in cand. Ce vreti? am si eu moastele mele:))

Inspirata de cumparaturile facute, am zis sa ma si pozez - thx, Andrei pentru efort!

Va urma!

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