duminică, 4 octombrie 2015

Belgique...so not my love!

Many light-years ago, I have been invited by A. to spend a month in Belgium. If I wasn't in love, I'm not sure if I would have resist more than a week there ...thanks to the freaky people sensations that was present everywhere I turned. This sensation still lives in my mine, but I can not say the same about my memories. All that I remember about Belgium is that: the little town Brugge - is a architectonic jewelry, with old houses beautifully restored and maintained, the fact that after six o'clock you could not see a single person on the streets, they had no curtains, and in that case I looked freely into their houses (I have the impression that all of them are exhibitionists, so they don't put curtains in order to make each others life more easier).

I do not remember seeing people talking or laughing out loud, no...but the only experience I had that confirmed me that I'm still in humans world was offered by two guys who were passionately kissing on a bench in the park. Twisted, but human!

I've been in many cities: Gent, Nantes, Brugge, Oostende, but even so, I didn't feel any connection with their world, maybe because it was my first journey outside my country and that I was way too amazed by what was happening to me.

One of the day, it was celebrated as the Belgium National Day, and I had the opportunity to enter in their Parliament House and in Royal Palace. This is when I took my chance and I pee in the Royal Palace (at the toilet, of course), and to waltz into their Ballroom, while no one was watching, otherwise, I think they would throw me away on the window:). That remembrance, me dancing in that superb ballroom, cannot be taken away by anybody...OK, maybe by Alzheimer:)).

I remember that I cooked for the first time sea shells (and I ate them, too:)), I ate an incredible tasty grilled chicken from a Dutch man, I celebrated my birthday in Grand Place - in an Indian restaurant - tikka masala, anyone?, I received jewels as my gift, I have been in Paris with TGV, I brought some cheap clothes from Mango and Zara, I received the most beautiful skirt  - from Promod - it was worn all over Belgique, and I made lot and lots of photos. That was the moment when I discovered the beauty of old, huge doors, and, of course, I developed a new obsession - to photo me with them, on them, on top of them...you name it!

Acum multi ani lumina am fost invitata de A. sa petrecem o luna in Belgia. Bine ca eram indragostita, ca altfel nu cred ca as fi rezistat mai mult de o saptamana acolo...multumita senzatiei de freaky people care ma impresura din toate partile. Senzatia inca persista, insa amintirile, nu prea...Tot ce mi-a mai ramas in minte despre Belgia sunt urmatoarele: oraselul Brugge - e foarte frumos, cu cladiri vechi, intretinute cu simt de raspundere; faptul ca dupa ora 6 nu mai vedeai tipenie de om pe strada, nu aveau perdele la geam sau jaluzele, motiv pentru care ma uitam in casele lor nestingherita (am impresia ca toti sunt exhibitionisti si isi fac viata mai usoara unii altora prin lipsa perdelelor).

Nu-mi aduc aminte sa fi vazut oameni razand sau conversand cu spor, nu...singura experienta care mi-a dat de inteles ca am nimerit totusi in lumea humanoizilor mi-a fost oferita de doi baieti care se sarutau de mama focului pe o banca in parc. Twisted, dar macar aveau sentimente.

Am colindat multe orasele de-ale lor: Gent, Nantes, Brugge, Oostende, si cu toate acestea mi-a fost foarte greu sa ma conectez la lumea lor, poate si pentru ca era prima mea iesire in lume si eram prea uimita de ce e in jur.

Intr-una din zile s-a sarbatorit ziua Belgiei, si atunci am avut sansa sa intru in Parlamentul lor si in Palatul regal (cred ca a fost in doua zile consecutive, nu mai retin bine), si am profitat de ocazie ca sa fac pipi in palatul regal (la toaleta, desigur), si sa dansez vals in sala de bal - nu era nimeni in sala aceea, altfel cred ca ma dadeau afara pe geam. Amintirea ca eu am dansat in sala de bal a Palatului regal ca o printesa moderna...nu mi-o poate lua nimeni, decat Alzheimer :)).

In rest, a fost pentru prima oara cand am gatit fructe de mare (si le-am si mancat:))), am mancat pui la grill incredibil de gustos de la un flamand (olandez), mi-am sarbatorit ziua de nastere in Grand Place - la un restaurant indian fabulos, am primit restul de bijuterii de la inelul de logodna (adica cerceii si lantisorul:))), am fost cu TGV-ul in Paris, mi-am cumparat cateva haine relativ ieftine de la MNG si Zara, am primit cea mai frumoasa fusta ever - pe care am purtat-o in toate peregrinarile mele prin Belgique, si am facut multe poze. Atunci am descoperit frumusetea portilor si binenteles, mi-am dezvoltat o noua obsesie - sa ma pozez pe ele, cu ele, langa ele...you name it!

Just I was saying in an older post - window shopping is my passion and I have a degree in this domain. Actually, to be honest, that was the moment when I started to write my doctorate thesis. I successfully graduated in Italy, but that's another story.

Asa cum spuneam intr-un post - window shopping-ul e pasiunea si specializarea mea. De fapt, ca sa fiu sincera, atunci am inceput sa-mi scriu teza de doctorat in window shopping. Am absolvit cu brio in Italia, dar asta e deja alta poveste.

I wanted to be comforted by Adolphe Sax...nope, he wasn't moved by my sad experience in shopping nothing.
M-am dus in bratele lui Adolphe Sax pentru alinare...degeaba, n-a fost miscat deloc de crunta-mi suferinta!

I have been in Oostende, to go to the beach to get some tan...well, all I can I say is that the wind blowed my hair, that in the end you could say that I was from Jackson 5, and the water way way too cold...

Am fost la Oostende, chipurile sa fac baie si plaja...plaja pot spune ca am facut ca m-a batut vantul in combinatie cu soarele (cu dinti) in toate directiile, dar baie, in niciun caz...asta ca sa evit o anexita sigura.

Me and another 15.000 people, in Grand Place...

Eu si alte cinsprezece mii de persoane, in Grand Place...

Pep, that little red point it's me:))

Dap, aia-s eu...chichineata aia cu rosu:))

Admiring the Rhone in Koln :)

Admirand Rin-ul in Koln (fusei si prin Germania, dar nu m-a marcat nimic).

Prison break in Brugge...

Incarcerata in Brugge...

In Butt du Lion I met this gorgeous passionate eagle. I loved it...it was such a nice guy...it stood quietly in the photos:)

In Butt du Lion am gasit acest falnic vulturas pasional. Mi-a placut maxim de el, a stat cuminte la poze:)

In their Parliament ...jaw dropped!

In Parlamentul lor...cu gura cascata!

I took pictures with their beautiful princess - and then I went to dance in her ballroom.Shame on me!

Ma pozai cu singura printesa frumoasa de-a lor, apoi m-am dus si am dansat in sala ei de bal. Shame on me!

That watch had an incredible beauty given by wonderful details and time. Very appalling.

Ceasul ala era fabulos de frumos...nu mai pun ce era de-o seama cu strabunica, ceea ce-l face si mai atragator.

I have no explication for my enthusiasm in hugging strangers!

N-am nicio explicatie pentru entuziasmul meu in a imbratisa necunoscuti!

Or thaking photo with them...!

Sau a ma poza cu ei...!

Or kiss them...

 Sau a-i pupa...

That buildin behide me... is gorgeous...I just couldn't miss it!

Cladirea e fabuloasa...n-o puteam rata!

My first door!
Prima mea poarta. Bine ca nu era proprietaru' acasa!

Alone in the cold night:)

Singura-n noapte...pe stradute inguste:)


V-am pupat!

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