Yeah, I think I mentioned before that I am
an undiscovered technology genius – if NASA would know about my existence, I
would be hunt down way more desperately than Snowden is hunted by CIA. Tonight,
my computer skills were exhausted thanks to my “I don’t know, I can’t” to erase
the name of the streets where I made the photos.
That being said, I am presenting you the
fashion show of the cracked streets and fairy Ela. Wait, I just remembered
something, and it is good to be mentioned (after all, this is the purpose of
this blog – it represents my fight against Alzheimer who is threaten me):
Galati (a small city in Romania), 13 years ago, in the second college year, all
exams were passed, 10 dollars of my own (I worked for them), no brain
whatsoever. I observe in a small store the most beautiful pink shoes (I was
obsessed to wear pink, obsession that was known by all the Chinese panties
manufacturers - Nadi was buying impressive stocks of pink panties just for me).
Superb! I used to window shop those shoes from 5 to 5 hours, daily, because I
was very worried – nobody, except me, should touch them. The pink platforms
heroically waited for me, until I managed to gather all the money and, and after
that I took my mom, my sister and my best friend to watch me while I was doing
the acquisition of my life.
The fact that the platform weighted like 5
kilos each – I did not feel it, the fact that, thanks to the shoemaker’s last,
the last 3 toes were sweeping the floor – I haven’t noticed, the fact that when
I walked with them I looked like “in the next 2 second I will break my neck” –
again, I ignored, in the end, what can I say!?! – I was blind, blind, blind!!!
But who’s asking us to visit her in Bucharest?
Our dear sister, Nadi! And because she wears shoes with 3 numbers bigger than
me, I had no chance to do some shopping in NadiMall, so, I dragged my new pink
platforms. Before going to Bucharest, I sensed that the magic spell of the
platforms was dissolving, and I started to notice that my last two toes were
living in a parallel universe, sweeping the floor. I understood that I had take
care of this problem immediately, so, genius as I am, for the last three day
before going to Bucharest I lived with my last three toes wrapped in adhesive
tape, hoping that I will resolve nature’s mistakes. Arrived in Bucharest, full
of hope and pride, I decide to wear the pink temptations all the way to Nadi’s
OMG, what pains I had to endure…it is too
painful to describe them. Actually, it is pretty hard to remember them – being
a traumatizing experience (I still have a scare from those platforms). In the
same time I have to admit that I am glad that at that time the technology
wasn’t too advanced, otherwise, I would’ve been the delight of YouTube.
The combination between my deadly walk,
the impossibility to rise my 5 kilos platforms/each and the grimaces produced
by my wounds, is still living on A. retina, because she was the witness of this
ordeal (actually she laughed of me all the way). By the way, if somebody
discovers the technology who can extract the images/movies from retina, I think
A. is in great danger to become the imagine of the pirates :))).
Frankly, if I thought the way I do
nowadays, I would have get rid of those silent killers at the first sign of
pain, and I would have walk barefoot, romantic, avoiding all the dog shits and
training my arms muscles with those dissimulated dumbbells.
The very next day, throwing far away the
platforms, I wear a pair of very nice and comfortable sandals. Do you know how
I felt and capered (because, thanks to my enthusiasm that I had no pain, I was
jumping on the streets)? Just like I was saying to A.: “I’m a fairy, I’m a
little bird!”
And form that day on till present, I am
still a fairy and a bird…here I am:
Soarele de pe stazile T, R, si altele!
Mda, cred ca am mai mentionat ca sunt un geniu nedescoperit intr-ale tehnologiei - daca-ar stii NASA de existenta mea, m-ar vana mai ceva ca pe Snowden, smth. Pentru seara aceasta, competenta mi-a fost grav incercata de faptul ca nu stiu, nu pot, sa sterg numele strazilor unde am facut poze:))) spre disperarea lui Andrei (stai linistit, bro, ca nu vine nimeni sa va hacuiasca pe motiv ca am facut eu poze in zona).
In aceasta nota de optimism fata de infractionalitatea crescuta din zona, va prezint moda strazilor crapate si a zanei Ela. Stati, ca mi-am amintit ceva, si e bine de mentionat (pana la urma asta e blogul, lupta mea impotriva Alzheimerului care ma ameninta): Galati, acu' 13 ani in urma, anul 2 de facultate, toate examenele promovate, 50 lei bani munciti de mine (am impartit pliante), ioc minte. Vad intr-un magazin de cartier cele mai frumoase platforme ever, cu bretele roz (aveam o obsesie pentru roz pe care o stiau toate fabricantele de chiloti din China - toti chilotii roz sa vina la Nadi, ca sa mi cumpere mie). Superb! Faceam window shopping cam din 5 in 5 ore, zilnic, ca aveam o grija - nu cumva sa ii atinga altcineva. Au rezistat eroic pana am facut rost de bani si, de mana cu mama, A. si prietena E., am purces la achzitionarea ispitei.
Ca ele cantareau cam 5 kg fiecare - nu am simtit, ca, din cauza calapodului, mi se rasfirau degetele de la picioare ca la matura - nu am vazut, ca mergeam cu ele pe stilul "in gat, in gat", iarasi nu am bagat de seama, ce sa mai - eram in saptamana oarba, si pace!
Dar cine ne cheama la Bucuresti sa o vizitam? Scumpa noastra Nadi! si cum ea poarta cu 3 numere mai mult ca mine, nu aveam nicio sansa sa fac shopping la NadiMall, asa ca mi-am tarat cu incredere si mandrie ispitele roz. Numai ca acasa, parca, incepuse sa se destrame vraja indragostelii si sa observ ca ultimele doua degete traiau intr-un univers paralel. Am inteles ca trebuie rezolvata situatia, si, geniu cum ma stiti, mi-am legat cu leucoplast ultimele trei degete ca sa formeze un tot unitar - timp de trei zile, pana plecam la Bucuresti. Plina de speranta, ajunsa in Bucuresti, mandra foc de achizitiile mele, ma pornesc la drum spre job-ul Nadiei. Vai, da' ce dureri am putut sa infrunt...greu mi-e sa le descriu. De fapt, mi-e greu si sa-mi amintesc - asa de traumatizanta a fost experienta (si acum am o cicatrice de la ranile produse)! Ma bucur insa, ca tehnologia nu era asa de avansata ca acum, ca altfel as fi fost deliciul Youtube-ului. Combinatia dintre mersul "in gat, in gat" cu imposibilitatea de a ridica piciorul din cauza greutatii "bocancului" si schimonoselile provocate de ranile profunde mai traieste doar pe retina A., caci ea mi-a fost martor (care a facut pe ea, de ras, tot drumul). By the way, daca descopera astia vreo tehnologie care sa extraga filmulete de pe retina, cred ca A. va fi in mare pericol sa devina imaginea piratului:)))
Sincer, daca as fi avut mintea pe care o am acum, m-as fi descaltat la primul semn de durere si as fi mers in picioarele goale, romantic, ocolind gratios toti rahatii de caine si facand fibra musculara la maini carand acele gantere disimulate...Dar n-am avut!
Motiv pentru care, a doua zi, aruncand cat colo acele instrumente de tortura, m-am incaltat cu niste sandalute usoare si comode. Stiti cum ma simteam si zburdam (ca ala nu era mers la cat de entuziasta eram)? Asa cum i-am si zis A.: "Sunt o zana, sunt o pasarica!"
Si din ziua aceea si pana acum, tot o zana si-o pasarica sunt...iata-ma-s:
If you had the impression that you will see me in classic positions...well, you are wrong!:)) Let me tell you what I wear: man shirt - YSL, Wrangler jeans - both trifted, and suede shoes from H&M - 9 $!
Daca ati avut impresia ca ma veti vedea in posturi clasice...v-ati inselat!:)) Sa va spun ce port: camasa barbateasca (cum altfel?) YSL, blugii Wrangler - din SH, si pantofii piele intoarsa din H&M - la super reducere 40 lei!
Daca ati avut impresia ca ma veti vedea in posturi clasice...v-ati inselat!:)) Sa va spun ce port: camasa barbateasca (cum altfel?) YSL, blugii Wrangler - din SH, si pantofii piele intoarsa din H&M - la super reducere 40 lei!
Just me, thinking about the possibility of sun appearance on my street.
Eu, serioasa, meditand la posibilitatea aparitiei soarelui si pe strada mea. I-o fi frica ca-l eclipsez, cine stie?!?
In this photo I wear my cashmere sweater and the skirt from my bride dress. Yesh, I shorted my skirt so now I can wear it freely:)). Because the sweater is too big for me, I adjusted with a brooch!
Tot pe plaiurile invecinate, am poze cu puloverul verde intrat la apa si fusta de la rochia de mireasa in varianta - stai, ca ti tai! (sunt moldoveanca, e in sangele meu sa inlocuiesc "e-ul" cu "i-ul"). Da, mi-am scurtat fusta si o port ca pe o clasica fusta din tulle:))). Pentru ca puloverul imi era prea larg, l-am ajustat cu o brosa!
I have to add that I wasn't pretty sure about this combination until my husband declared: "You know, you look just like my grandmother!" Eh, well, only with this validation I feel that I respect the standards of immortal beauty:))))
Trebuie sa adaug ca, nu eram prea sigura de combinatia aceasta, pana cand sotul meu nu mi-a spus: "Stii, semeni cu bunica!" Eh, abia cu aceasta validare, simt ca sunt in canoanele frumusetii atemporale:))))
The last dress id part of the collection - "Back in the future", thanks to Nadi who mentioned that I look like I am 40 years older. That's correct - I owe the Time machine! Even if is an oldie vintage dress, I simply love it. It was found in a SH and nobody was looking at it. Nobody, just me, myself and I. The dress is signed by Rene Descaraux.
Urmatoarea tinuta, face parte din colectia - "Salt in viitor", caci Nadi mi-a spus ca arat de parca as avea 40 de ani! Ati ghicit, eu detin Masina timpului! Cu toate ca este o rochie vintage batrancioasa, mie imi place maxim atat cum se aseaza cat si sentimentul de "port ceva pretios". Este gasita si ea in SH, nu se uita nimeni la ea, nici macar clientele -agenare, ca sa-si aduca aminte de tinerete. Nimeni, just me, myself and I. Este o rochie semnata Rene Descaraux (habar n-am cine e), si imi place maxim!
Bag - random, beld - SH, shoes - Zara.
Geanta - random, curea SH, pantofi - Zara (au fost facuti de KGB, ceva de genul asta, frati cu ispitele roz din povestea de azi).
P.S. mi-am luat trandafiri de la Lidl in culoare roz prafuit, vintage:)))
Have a nice week!
O saptamana faina!
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