dream, literally!
One of A.'s gifts for my birthday (when we visited Belgium), was a romantic walk to Paris. We took the tickets one week before the departure, and meanwhile, I brought the most adorable shoes, I received the a lovable skirt, I got some tan, and I rehearsed my impressive french vocabulary (merci beaucoup! and Je'mappele...who cares?).
Actually, my French knowledge is pretty much resumed to words that are really similar/identical to Romanian words. But, I know how to pronounce "Oh, la la!" with the french accent! I have to add the fact that the French that was spoken on the streets of Paris did not help me very much in remembering my ancient knowledge because the French they talk now is a mix between 15 other foreign languages.
And with this impressive linguistic luggage, consorted by a tiny backpack, we woke up at 5 o'clock in the morning and left Bruxelles at 6 o'clock (I have to admit that I got up at Louvre)!
And because I know the power of a picture, take a look at my "sleeping beauty" close up where I was getting ready "to assault" Paris. Yeah, right! (first photo below)
Just looking at the picture, I remember how every joint, was screaming after a bed, blanket...anything that I could lay down to because I couldn't stand up anymore.
It's important to add that I wasn't wearing those shoes to walk in Paris, I just got them when I had to take pictures (it was hidden deep down in the tiny-winy little backpack and carried by A.).
So, after we got to Eiffel Tower and I opened my eyes, I think I slept all the way or smth - because I don't remember how I got there, I asked A. to handle me the sandals to put them in front of the crowd, as fast as he could while I could keep my eyes open, because afterwards I would go back into standby mode.
I don't remember why I took off the sunglasses (I could keep sleeping with them undisturbed), maybe just to show that I can sleep with my eyes half shut down:)))).
Unul din cadourile de ziua mea din partea lui A.(atunci cand am stat in Belgia), a fost sa imi ofere o plimbare romantica pana in Paris. Am luat biletele cu o saptamana inainte si, intre timp mi-am cumparat cele mai adorabile sandalute, am primit fusta cea frumoasa, m-am mai bronzat, si mi-am repetat sarguincios imensul bagaj de cunostinte de limba franceza (merci beaucoup! si Je'mappele...who cares?).
One of A.'s gifts for my birthday (when we visited Belgium), was a romantic walk to Paris. We took the tickets one week before the departure, and meanwhile, I brought the most adorable shoes, I received the a lovable skirt, I got some tan, and I rehearsed my impressive french vocabulary (merci beaucoup! and Je'mappele...who cares?).
Actually, my French knowledge is pretty much resumed to words that are really similar/identical to Romanian words. But, I know how to pronounce "Oh, la la!" with the french accent! I have to add the fact that the French that was spoken on the streets of Paris did not help me very much in remembering my ancient knowledge because the French they talk now is a mix between 15 other foreign languages.
And with this impressive linguistic luggage, consorted by a tiny backpack, we woke up at 5 o'clock in the morning and left Bruxelles at 6 o'clock (I have to admit that I got up at Louvre)!
And because I know the power of a picture, take a look at my "sleeping beauty" close up where I was getting ready "to assault" Paris. Yeah, right! (first photo below)
Just looking at the picture, I remember how every joint, was screaming after a bed, blanket...anything that I could lay down to because I couldn't stand up anymore.
It's important to add that I wasn't wearing those shoes to walk in Paris, I just got them when I had to take pictures (it was hidden deep down in the tiny-winy little backpack and carried by A.).
So, after we got to Eiffel Tower and I opened my eyes, I think I slept all the way or smth - because I don't remember how I got there, I asked A. to handle me the sandals to put them in front of the crowd, as fast as he could while I could keep my eyes open, because afterwards I would go back into standby mode.
I don't remember why I took off the sunglasses (I could keep sleeping with them undisturbed), maybe just to show that I can sleep with my eyes half shut down:)))).
With this twisted upsurge, I made some new photos around Eiffel Tower, and then, pushed by A. I finally succeeded to get to Batobus (a little ship on Sena) who took us to Louvre. My little dove was halved at the thought that I will, finally, going to see Gioconda, and disappeared completely when I heard that the museum is closed.
After I tormented myself to see some of the art pieces at the basement (through the window, of course), I decided that is time for me to take more pictures - like every "smarty". With the famous glass pyramid, I have a few pictures, but in them also appear two gorgeous blondes, and because of them I avoid looking at them - maybe I am too jealous.
Buuuuut, I have pictures with their fountains, where actually I put my feet I could wake up for good:)). (second photo)
Oh, yes, I was really awake now and very "happy" that the wind was blowing and that all those tiny blobs, that were creating that green smelly fountain puddle, were landing on me ...I was going to smell like a diva - not!
From the museum, we strolled around, and we finished our walk by searching like crazy to buy some water - we searched for almost an hour, without exaggeration. I, who naturally I am like a camel, I was feeling like sooner or later I will drain off the asphalt, although, twenty minutes later, while I was still at the museum (and I had to possibility to buy) I felt no need in drinking water.
In the third picture you can see the way we were on searching for water - there was no store, brasserie, restaurant...nothing, nothing! Being desperate because I couldn't find any water, I was more thirsty than ever, and somehow I started to regret the fact that I wasn't smart enought to taste, in a subtle manner, that smelly fountain water (like opening my mouth when the wind was blowing a little harder).
I was cooled, partially, by the air conditioning sistem, to the drivers amusement:))). (third picture)
After I avoided all the routes that lead us to the water, in a glorious end, I found it in the Champs Elysee subway and...I became really happy. From now on, I had the spirit to kiss all the hand lamps across the Champs Elysee - the fourth and the fifth pictures is my proof that I did so!
After that kissing story, we went to eat at an Arab restaurant:)), because we heard that if you want to starve to death you can fully trust a French restaurant (they really know how to beautifully color the plate with three sauce spoons and...a lettuce leaf). Because I already suffered two attacks at my own persona through sleep and water deprivations, I thought that now will be the right moment to skip the gourmet experience and eat for real. After the delicious meal, I was lead into the wonderful world of Hagen-Dasz ice cream that was savored while we took some notes about pigeons lovemaking rituals (there were thousands of them).
After this "treat" I had only one mission: to go to bed. Really, look at my face at the end of the day (I was at Sorbonne here, and I wasn't able to keep my eyes open - I felt like I was going to die if I won't get some sleep soon) - the sixth picture :))).
After all, Paris was really my dream, perhaps...more than I ever wanted!:)))
Good night!
Apropo, nu stiu ce mai retineti voi din caracterizarea personajului lui V. Alecsandri, respectiv Coana Chirita, dar eu si acum sunt impresionata de franceza ei "impecabila", si de abilitatea de a mixa graiul pur moldovenesc cu "rafinatele" cuvinte ce se doreau a suna franzuteste: furculision, lingurision etc.
Cam asa suna si franceza mea, cu deosebirea ca eu stiu si intonatia perfecta pentru a rosti: "Oh, la la!". Trebuie sa mentionez ca nici franceza pe care am auzit-o pe strazi nu mi-a accesat strabunele cunostinte de franceza, pentru ca nu prea semana a franceza. Era o combinatie de cinspe' alte limbi, la fel de neinteligibile...
Si cu acest bagaj lingvistic impresionant, insotiti de un rucsac infim, ne-am trezit la 5 DIMINEATA si am pornit la drum la 6:00 DIMINEATAAAAAA (recunosc, eu m-am trezit abia la Luvru)!
Pentru ca stiu ca o poza face cat o mie de cuvinte, priviti si va cruciti in ce hal aratam eu gata "sa iau cu asalt" Parisul :)))))
Privind poza, imi aduc aminte cum fiecare incheietura striga dupa un pat, patura...ceva, ca sa ma eu nu mai puteam sa stau in picioare. Mi se face somn numai cand ma uit la mine...superb, not!
Important pentru mine este sa nu credeti ca, dupa ce ca eram sfarsita de oboseala, puteam sa fiintez incaltata cu acele! Experienta cu platformele roz mi-a antrenat asa de bine instinctul de conservare si puterea de convingere ca, de data aceasta, sandalele au fost carate in rucsac de incaltate doar cand trebuia sa fac poze. Ce sa zic! de pe atunci ma chinuia chestia cu pozatul:)
Asa ca, dupa ce mi-am deschis ochii in fata turnului, cred ca am dormit pe drum sau ceva de genul - ca nu-mi amintesc cum am ajuns acolo, l-am rugat pe A. sa-mi dea sandalele sa ma incalt in vazul lumii, reprede, cat inca mai puteam tine ochii deschisi, ca dupa aia, iar intram in standby.
Nu stiu de ce mi-am dat jos ochelarii (ca puteam sa dorm bine mersi cu ei), poate doar ca sa arat ca eu pot sa dorm si cu ochii semi-deschisi:))).
Si cu acest elan obosit, am mai facut niste poze pe la Turnul Eiffel, si apoi, impinsa de la spate A. - am reusit sa ajung in Batobus (un vaporas pe Sena) care ne-a dus la Luvru. Motaiala mea s-a redus pe jumatate la gandul ca o vad pe Gioconda, si a disparut complet cand am auzit ca muzeul e inchis.
Dupa ce m-am uitat pe la subsoluri (prin geam, binenteles) sa vad ce comori mai ascund aia de mine, mi-am zis ca e timpul sa facem niste poze la Luvru - ca orice "entelectual" care se respecta. Cu celebra piramida de sticla cred ca am cateva poze, numai ca in ele apar si doua fete blonde superbe, si pentru ca inca mai nasc intrebarea pe cine a vrut A. sa pozeze de fapt, evit sa ma uit la ele.
Darrrrrrrrrrrrr, am poze cu fantanile lor, in care mi-am bagat si sa ma trezesc de-a binelea!
Da, ma trezisem, si eram tare vesela ca batea vantul, si toti stropii aia ce formau acea balta verde aterizau pe mine...urma sa miros fabulos.
De aici, am plecat aiurea-n tramvai, sa ne plimbam, si am sfarsit sa cautam in disperare sa cumparam apa - o ora am cautat, nu exagerez. Eu, care sunt camila de felul meu, simteam ca ma scurg pe asfalt de sete, desi, cu douazeci de minute in urma, cand inca eram la muzeu (si aveam si posibilitatea sa cumparam) nu simtisem nevoia sa beau apa.
In poza de mai jos se vede drumul pe care plecasem in cautarea apei - nu tu magazin, braserie, restaurant...nimic, nimic! Si de disperare ca nu gaseam, mi se facea si mai tare sete, si imi incoltea gandul, ca mare fraiera am fost ca nu am gustat din apa din fantana arteziana, fie ea si verde (macar asa, subtil, sa deschid gura cand batea vantul mai tare).
Dar lasa ca m-a racorit partial, sistemul de ventilatie, spre deliciul soferilor:)))
Dupa ce am ocolit toate rutele care duceau spre apa, intr-un final glorios am gasit-o chiar la metrou pe Champs am devenit fericita. De acum puteam sa ma sarut cu toate felinarele:
Apoi am mers sa mancam - la un arab:)), nu de alta, dar ni s-a spus ca daca vrem sa murim de foame, putem sa apelam cu incredere la restaurantele frantuzesti (stiu sa coloreze frumos farfuria cu trei linguri de sos si...o frunza de salata). Iar cum eu deja suferisem doua atacuri la propria-mi persona prin nesomn si insetare, am considerat ca ar fi oportun sa sar peste experienta culinara specific frantuzeasca. Dupa masa copioasa, am descoperit inghetata Hagen-Dasz pe care am savurat-o stand cu fundul pe trotuar si documentandu-ne cu privire la ritualurile de imperechere ale porumbeilor.
Dupa acest "rasfat", mai aveam o misiune: sa ma duc sa ma culc. Nu, pe bune, ia uitati cum aratam la sfarsitul zilei (eram la Sorbona aici, si nu am reusit sa fac nicio poza cu ochii deschisi - deja simteam ca daca nu ma culc urgent, nu mai aveam sa fac parte din lumea celor vii):
Concluzionand, Parisul chiar a fost visul meu, poate mai mult decat imi doream!
Somn usor:)!
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