On special requests
(EN) Here it goes...my last shopping from Second-Hand stores - I bought 3 full bags for 20 dollars or smth. Frankly, I have no idea what I am going to do with them except washing, ruin and squeeze them in every corner of my house...still, I don't felt any remorse for buying them!
Therefore, from the spring-summer collection (50 cents each), I present you:
(RO)Va prezint ultima colectie de haine achizitionate din SH - am plecat cu 3 pungi pe care am dat 90 lei. Ce voi face cu ele, in afara sa le spal, stric, ingramadesc prin toate cotloanele, nu stiu inca...:), dar oricum nu imi pare rau de achizitii.
(EN) Here it goes...my last shopping from Second-Hand stores - I bought 3 full bags for 20 dollars or smth. Frankly, I have no idea what I am going to do with them except washing, ruin and squeeze them in every corner of my house...still, I don't felt any remorse for buying them!
Therefore, from the spring-summer collection (50 cents each), I present you:
(RO)Va prezint ultima colectie de haine achizitionate din SH - am plecat cu 3 pungi pe care am dat 90 lei. Ce voi face cu ele, in afara sa le spal, stric, ingramadesc prin toate cotloanele, nu stiu inca...:), dar oricum nu imi pare rau de achizitii.
Asadar, din colectia primavara-vara (hai sa le dam pe doi lei sa scapam de ele), va prezint:
(EN) White shirt (lately with a hint of neon yellow thanks to my super brain who thought that washing it with a powerful yellow cloth, won't have any consequence:((() Betty Barclay - 50 cents. I felt sorry to let it there.
(RO) Camasa alba (mai nou cu o tenta de galben neon ca am spalat-o cu o rochie galbena! da, stiu...sunt un geniu) Betty Barclay - nu-mi spune nimic numele, dar a costat 2 lei. Era pacat sa o las acolo:)
Silk shirt - Marina Rinaldi - I adore silk, no matter the brand, density of the silk - all the silk have to come to me!
Camasa matase Marina Rinaldi - eu ADOR MATASEA. Poate sa fie de la orice firma, in orice densitate - matase sa fie!
A champagne yellow top - it's really cute - and I truly believe in the combination of this top with a wasted bluejeans - just to take out that precious style.
Top-corset galben sampanie - e dragut, ar merge cu niste blugi rupti, sa-i mai ia din aerul sclipicios.
Sinequanone shirt
Camasa Sinequanone
Two cotton shirts - 50 cents each - I use them as comfy clothes in my home:)
Camasi de bumbac - 2 lei fiecare, bune de purtat in casa
I have no idea why I bought this one, since I don't have any belly to show off ...but it looked very interesting:))
Asta nu stiu de ce am luat-o, nu de alta, dar n-am abdomen de aratat...mi s-a parut interesanta:)
A 50's style corset - I can see it with a bell-shaped skirt - and here you go - vintage look!
Top-corset - pe asta deja il vad in combinatie cu o fusta clos sau cu cullotes infoiati. So 50's!
Oh, summer dresses - I totally needed them now - NOT!
Mda, rochii de vara...dupa cum vedeti, fac provizii ca-s inteleapta foc, pe principiul (adaptat de mine), iarna rochii, si vara cizme:)))
Wool overcoat - no buttons, but I have plenty - goldy:))
Palton din lana 100% - n-are nasturi, dar am eu sa-i pun. Aurii!
Dior t-shirt - no idea if it is original or not!
Un tricou Dior - de care nu am habar daca-i original sau nu!
Silk shirt - I don't care if it fits me or not, I had to had it - it's silk!
Camasa de matase - n-are importanta daca-mi vine sau nu, daca e frumoasa sau urata - e matase!
Green emerald skirt - I just love the colour - for 50 cents, it was a cool deal!
Fusta verde smarald - ador culoarea, iar la 2 lei, chiar n-am putut sa o las acolo!
An unusual shirt because you can put a belt on it (it wasn't attached to it, but I have plenty to choose from), but fits me well (of course if I use a belt - I am obsessed with belt, I have the impression that using belts makes you look thinner).
O camasa ciudatica, care are gaici pentru curea (ea nu mai exista in peisaj, dar eu am suficiente sa compensez), dar care se aseaza foarte bine pe corp (normal, daca ii pui curea. Pentru cine nu stie, eu sunt obsedata de curele pentru ca nu am talie frumoasa, asa ca ma strang de-mi ies ochii, numai ca sa ma amagesc ca poate, poate, o sa-mi formez o talie de viespe. N-o sa ajung eu ca Andreea Balaban, never, ever).
Wool skirt - very funky, I don't think I will ever wear it:)
Fusta din lana, haioasa...dar nu stiu daca o s-o port vreodata.
Summery pants, with high waist (this is how I imagine that I will have a nice waist - nice try!)
Pantaloni varatici, cu talie inalta (chipurile ca sa-mi sublinieze talia, ahem...pe care n-o am).
Wide-legged - I have this obsession since I saw some pictures of very skinny girls, and somehow, I hope that I will look skinny, too:))
Pantaloni largi - am aceasta obsesie de cand am vazut ca dau impresia de silueta subtire, filiforma...acum, eu sunt constienta ca manechinele pe care i-am vazut (pantalonii) nu prea au contacte cu frigiderul, dar eu sper ca poate dau iluzii:))
Michael Kors pants - wide legged.
Aceeasi Marie, da' cu alta palarie - pantaloni largi - Michael Kors - se aseaza divin!
Another wide legged pants - for 50 cents - why not?!?
Alti pantaloni largi - ce sa fac daca erau la 2 lei?
Yes, skinny pants - because, somehow I have the impression that they fit me well. This one a are a bit wide to me:)
Dap, pantaloni mulati - am si eu problema mea, ca si astia mi se pare ca ma fac mai slaba, spre oripilarea A. Astia imi spun putin largi, ceea ce lucreaza la psihicul meu...imi soptesc ca am mai slabit:)))
Ali, esti happy? :)))
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